Xceed Zip Compression Library Documentation
DLL API samples for Delphi
Sample applications > Delphi > DLL API samples for Delphi

Sample ApplicationsYou can find the DLL API Sample Application for Delphi in:


This sample application provides you with a visual application that lets you perform basic zipping and unzipping. It shows you how to run DLL API methods, set properties, and write event handlers using the "windows messages" technique (as opposed to using "callback functions").

The methods demonstrated are: XceedZipInitDLL, XceedZipShutdownDLL, XzCreateXceedZipA, XzDestroyXceedZip, XzSetXceedZipWindow, xzZip (Zip method), xzUnzip (Unzip method) and XzGetErrorDescription (GetErrorDescription method).

Various property setting functions such as XzSetZipFilename (sets the ZipFilename property) are demonstrated, as well as the FileStatus, GlobalStatus, SkippingFile and Warning events.

To use the sample, load the DLLAPISAMPLE.DPR project file, then build and run the program.