Xceed Zip Compression Library Documentation
XzCreateXceedZip function
Direct DLL API > DLL API function reference > XzCreateXceedZip function


Creates an instance of the XceedZip object and returns a handle to the new instance. The returned handle is required by all DLL API functions that represent Xceed Zip properties or methods.

This function is available in both ANSI and UNICODE versions. Events that are triggered by the XceedZip object will provide ANSI or UNICODE parameter structures based on whether you call the ANSI or the UNICODE version.

When you have finished using the instance, you must free it by calling the XzDestroyXceedZip function.

HXCEEDZIP XzCreateXceedZip( const TCHAR* pszLicense )


Parameter Description
pszLicense  License string found in the license.txt file in the installation folder of your Xceed Zip Compression Library v4.x.

Return value

Handle to a newly created XceedZip instance, or NULL if the instance could not be created.


Remember that you must always call XceedZipInitDLL before using any DLL API functions, including this one.