Xceed Zip Compression Library Documentation
XzSetXceedZipWindow function
Direct DLL API > DLL API function reference > XzSetXceedZipWindow function


Set the handle to the window that is to receive the XM_USER_XCEEDZIPEVENT message whenever an event is triggered by the XceedZip object (WM_USER + 1555).

void XzSetXceedZipWindow( HXCEEDZIP hZip, HWND hWnd )


Parameter Description
hZip  Handle to the instance you want to receive events from.
hWnd  Handle to the window that will handle events. See the remarks below for a description of the message parameters.


The specified window procedure will receive the XM_USER_XCEEDZIPEVENT message, with wParam containing the Xceed Zip event index, and lParam a pointer to the proper structure. You need to typecast lParam to the correct structure, depending on the value of wParam.