Xceed Zip Compression Library Documentation
Warning event
Xceed Zip control reference > Xceed Zip control events > Warning event


The Warning event is generated whenever a recoverable problem is encountered during the execution of one of the Xceed Zip methods. The event provides you with the filename of the file that was being processed when the problem was detected, and the warning code indicating the nature of the problem.

Declaration (DLL API)  
Event Warning(sFilename As String, xWarning As xcdWarning)
Declaration (DLL API)  
xcdWarningParams * pParams = ( xcdWarningParams * ) lParam;


Parameter Description
sFilename  This is the filename of the file currently being processed.
xWarning  This is a code indicating the type of problem detected with the file.


If you do not write a handler for this event, you will still get a return value of xerWarnings when the method you are calling completes. This will provide you with an indication that there were warnings despite not having written any code for this event.