Xceed Zip Compression Library Documentation
FileStatus event
Xceed Zip control reference > Xceed Zip control events > FileStatus event


The FileStatus event provides a status report on the processing of a given file. It is triggered during the processing of a file as a result of calling the Zip, Unzip or TestZipFile methods.

The FileStatus event is triggered for every 32K of uncompressed data that has been processed for the current file. If the file size is less than 32K, this event will only be triggered once. This event provides various statistics/information related to the processing of a file.

None of the parameters provided by the FileStatus event are modifiable.


Event FileStatus(sFilename As String, lSize As Long, lCompressedSize As Long, lBytesProcessed As Long, nBytesPercent As Integer,
nCompressionRatio As Integer, bFileCompleted As Boolean)


Event FileStatus64(sFilename As String, lSizeLow As Long, lSizeHigh As Long, lCompressedSizeLow As Long, lCompressedSizeHigh As Long,
lBytesProcessedLow As Long, lBytesProcessedHigh As Long, nBytesPercent As Integer, nCompressionRatio As Integer,
bFileCompleted As Boolean)

Declaration (DLL API)  
xcdFileStatusParams * pParams = ( xcdFileStatusParams * ) lParam;


Parameter Description
sFilename  The path and filename of the file processed. When zipping, this is the path and filename of the file exactly as it is being stored in the zip file. When unzipping or testing, this is the path and filename of the file exactly as it is currently stored in the zip file.
lSize  The file's uncompressed size, in bytes.
lSizeHigh (64)
The 32 low-order and high-order bits representing, the file's uncompressed size, in bytes.
lCompressedSize  The file's compressed size, in bytes.
lCompressesSizeHigh (64)
The 32 low-order and high-order bits representing, the file's compressed size, in bytes.
lBytesProcessed  The amount of uncompressed bytes processed so far.
lBtesProcessedHigh (64)
The 32 low-order and high-order bits representing, the amount of uncompressed bytes processed so far.
nBytesPercent  The completion percentage of this file (from 0% to 100%) based on the amount of uncompressed bytes processed.
nCompressionRatio  When zipping, this is the compression ratio that has been achieved so far for this file. When unzipping, this is the compression ratio of the file as it is stored in the zip file.
bFileCompleted  This flag is set to True when the current file has been completely processed successfully.


When a file has been completely zipped, the lBytesProcessed parameter equals the lSize parameter. When testing, unzipping or converting a file, the lBytesProcessed parameter equals the lCompressedSize parameter. 

Visual Basic users dealing with files larger than 2GB or large groups of files should convert the lBytesProcessed parameter to a variable of type "Double". See example or use the FileStatus64 event.

Applicable methods

Zip, Unzip, TestZipFile

Related topics

To get statistics on the entire group of files being processed, use the GlobalStatus event.