This property allows you to instruct the self-extracting zip file to add or change key values in the system registry. To specify a registry key to create, set this property to a string with the following format: "key" + "|" + "valuename" +"|" + "value".
The key portion represents the registry key to add a value to. It can begin with HKCR, HKCU, HKLM, HKU, HKPD, HKDD or HKCC, or by the long version of each registry key root: HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT, HKEY_CURRENT_USER, etc. The 16-bit self-extractor module binary only supports HKCR and HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT.
The value name portion represents the name of the value to add. If this is left empty, then the "(default)" value will be added/changed.
The value portion represents the value to set. If a number is specified, then the value will be set to number of type REG_DWORD. If a quoted string is specified, the value will be set to a string of type REG_SZ.
You can specify multiple registry keys by separating the "regkey|regvalue|value" string specification by a CR and/or LF character. Use the SfxAddRegistryKey method for easier, cleaner code.
Macros can be used.
The total length of the values of the SfxExecuteAfter, SfxFilesToCopy, SfxFilesToRegister and SfxRegistryKeys properties cannot exceed 2000 characters.
Declaration (DLL API) | |