Xceed Zip Compression Library Documentation
SfxAddRegistryKey method
Self-Extractor Module reference > Self-Extractor Module methods > SfxAddRegistryKey method


The SfxAddRegistryKey method adds an item to the SfxRegistryKeys property's list of key values to add or change in the registry.

SfxAddRegistryKey automatically creates a string of the appropriate format for the SfxRegistryKeys and handles separating items with the CR+LF characters. In fact, it performs the same work as the following line of VB code:

XceedZip1.SfxRegistryKey = XceedZip1. SfxRegistryKey + sKey + "|" + sValueName + "|" + CStr(vaValue) + Chr(13) + Chr(10)

Declaration (ActiveX)  
Method SfxAddRegistryKey (sKey As String, sValueName As String, vaValue As Variant)
Declaration (DLL API)  
void XzSfxAddRegistryKey(HXCEEDZIP hZip, const TCHAR* pwszKey, const TCHAR* pwszValueName, const TCHAR* pwszValue);


Parameter Description
sKey  The registry key to add or change a value in.
sValueName  The name of the value to add or change.
vaValue  The value to set.

Return values


Applicable properties
