Old property | Changes to note |
SelfExtracting | This property no longer exists. If you enter a filename in the SfxBinaryModule property (formerly the SfxBinary property), it automatically implies SelfExtracting = True. Leaving the SfxBinaryModule property empty implies SelfExtracting = False. |
SfxBinary | Renamed to SfxBinaryModule. |
SfxConfigFile | Replaced by two methods called SfxSaveConfig and SfxLoadConfig that let you save and load the current state of all the Sfx-related properties. |
SfxExtractDirectory | Renamed to SfxDefaultUnzipToFolder. |
SfxIcon | Replaced by the SfxIconFilename property. A property of type Icon cannot be used in DCOM environments. You must now specify a filename. |
SfxMessages SfxPrompts |
These two property arrays have been merged into one property array called SfxMessages. You can use the xcdMessages enumeration to get index values. |
SfxPromptCreateDirectory, SfxPromptForDirectory, SfxPromptForPassword, SfxShowMessages, SfxShowProgress |
These properties no longer exist. To be able to suppress one of these prompts or dialog boxes from being shown by the self-extracting zip file, simply leave the corresponding message in the SfxMessages property empty. For example, if you used SfxShowProgress = False, you would now use SfxMessages(xsmProgress) = "". |
SfxOverwrite | Renamed to SfxExistingFileBehavior. Use xseAsk, xseSkip and xseOverwrite instead of xowAsk, xowNever and xowAlways. |
SfxReadmePath | Renamed to SfxReadmeFile. |
SfxRegisterExtensions | Renamed to SfxExtensionsToAssociate. |
SfxRunExePath | Renamed to SfxExecuteAfter. |
SfxStrings | The xssExtractingFile item was moved to the SfxMessages property array. You can now use the xcdSfxStgrings enumeration for indexes. |
SfxStoredExtensions | This property no longer exists. If you want to change the compression method (stored or deflated), you can now do it on a file-by-file basis when the ZipPreprocessingFile event is triggered. Use it's xMethod parameter to control which files are stored and which are compressed. |
TempPath | Renamed to TempFolder. |
UsePaths | Renamed to PreservePaths. |
ZipComment | Replaced by the ZipComment event. Use the ZipComment event's sComment parameter to set the desired comment while zipping, removing or converting a zip file. When unzipping or updating an existing zip file, the sComment parameter will contain the current zip comment. |