Xceed Zip Compression Library Documentation
Other properties (SFX) migration
Migrating from previous versions > Other properties (SFX) migration
Old property Changes to note
SelfExtracting  This property no longer exists. If you enter a filename in the SfxBinaryModule property (formerly the SfxBinary property), it automatically implies SelfExtracting = True. Leaving the SfxBinaryModule property empty implies SelfExtracting = False.
SfxBinary  Renamed to SfxBinaryModule.
SfxConfigFile  Replaced by two methods called SfxSaveConfig and SfxLoadConfig that let you save and load the current state of all the Sfx-related properties.
SfxExtractDirectory  Renamed to SfxDefaultUnzipToFolder.
SfxIcon  Replaced by the SfxIconFilename property. A property of type Icon cannot be used in DCOM environments. You must now specify a filename.
These two property arrays have been merged into one property array called SfxMessages. You can use the xcdMessages enumeration to get index values.
These properties no longer exist. To be able to suppress one of these prompts or dialog boxes from being shown by the self-extracting zip file, simply leave the corresponding message in the SfxMessages property empty.

For example, if you used SfxShowProgress = False, you would now use SfxMessages(xsmProgress) = "".
SfxOverwrite  Renamed to SfxExistingFileBehavior. Use xseAsk, xseSkip and xseOverwrite instead of xowAsk, xowNever and xowAlways.
SfxReadmePath  Renamed to SfxReadmeFile.
SfxRegisterExtensions  Renamed to SfxExtensionsToAssociate.
SfxRunExePath  Renamed to SfxExecuteAfter.
SfxStrings  The xssExtractingFile item was moved to the SfxMessages property array. You can now use the xcdSfxStgrings enumeration for indexes.
SfxStoredExtensions  This property no longer exists. If you want to change the compression method (stored or deflated), you can now do it on a file-by-file basis when the ZipPreprocessingFile event is triggered. Use it's xMethod parameter to control which files are stored and which are compressed.
TempPath  Renamed to TempFolder.
UsePaths  Renamed to PreservePaths.
ZipComment  Replaced by the ZipComment event. Use the ZipComment event's sComment parameter to set the desired comment while zipping, removing or converting a zip file. When unzipping or updating an existing zip file, the sComment parameter will contain the current zip comment.