Xceed Zip Compression Library Documentation
SfxDefaultUnzipToFolder property
Self-Extractor Module reference > Self-Extractor Module properties > SfxDefaultUnzipToFolder property


The SfxDefaultUnzipToFolder property lets you specify the path where the self-extractor extracts files to by default. This can be changed later by the user if the SfxMessages property has a non-empty value set for xsmDestinationFolder. If the SfxDefaultUnzipToFolder property is empty, the self-extracting zip file's current directory at run-time will be used.

The following macros are available when specifying a value for the SfxDefaultUnzipToFolder property: %w, %s,%t, %r, %e, %p and %v.

The maximum length string allowed for this property is 255 characters.

Data type


Default value


Declaration (DLL API)  

UINT XzGetSfxDefaultUnzipToFolder(HXCEEDZIP hZip, TCHAR* pszBuffer, UINT uMaxLength)

void XzSetSfxDefaultUnzipToFolder(HXCEEDZIP hZip, const TCHAR* pszValue)



Applicable methods

Zip, Convert

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