Xceed Zip Compression Library Documentation
TempFolder property
Xceed Zip control reference > Xceed Zip control properties > TempFolder property


The TempFolder property lets you control the location where Xceed Zip will create a temporary file to work with when running the Zip or RemoveFiles methods.

The TempFolder property requires a path only (no filename) and does not require a trailing backslash. If left empty, a temporary file will be created in the Windows temp folder.

The UseTempFile property allows you to control, in most situations, whether or not a a temporary file should be used.

Data type


Default value

Empty (use Windows temp folder)

Declaration (DLL API)  

UINT XzGetTempFolder( HXCEEDZIP hZip, TCHAR* pszBuffer, UINT uMaxLength )

void XzSetTempFolder( HXCEEDZIP hZip, const TCHAR* pszValue )


It is recommended that you specify a path for the TempFolder property by using an absolute path . If you use a relative path , be cautious because the path must be relative to the application's current directory – which often is tricky to work with.

Applicable methods

Zip, RemoveFiles

Things you should consider