Xceed Grid for WinForms v4.3 Documentation
StarterGrid Sample Application

Programming languages



This sample which binds to the Northwind database demonstrates (via code only, not using the Grid Designer) how to create a fairly complete no-frills grid for presenting your data. It takes advantage of and demonstrates the use of Xceed Grid for WinForms' major features and grid elements. The grid's extensibility features are not used nor demonstrated by this sample. The grid in this sample uses stylesheets in order to have an improved appearance.


  • Data binding (with oleDbConnection, oleDbDataAdapter

  • How to update the physical data source (Accept/Reject changes on a dataset) 

  • Masked editing and numeric input controls used as cell editors 

  • Using a SummaryRow to display the result of a statistical function. 

  • Using a SummaryCell to display a running sum. 

  • Handling the DataRowsChanged event 

  • Handling the GroupAdded event 

  • Handling the ValueChanged event 

  • Deleting currently selected rows from the grid 

  • How to use and set up a TextRow 

  • Using an InsertionRow 

  • Managing columns and adding unbound columns to the grid 

  • Adding rows to various sections of the grid 

  • Creating groups 

  • Using Stylesheets 

  • Displaying the GenerateReportForm to create reports 

  • Create a Report and call the PrintPreview method

Project location & filename

C#: Xceed Samples\Xceed Grid for WinForms v#.#\CSharp\StarterGrid\StarterGridCS.csproj

VB.NET: Xceed Samples\Xceed Grid for WinForms v#.#\Visual Basic .NET\StarterGrid\StarterGridVB.vbproj