This application demonstrates how to generate a report both programmatically and using the GenerateReportForm form.
How to use the ComboBoxViewer
How to use the GenerateReportForm to create a report
How to modify the ReportStyle property of the GridControl and various grid elements including DataRows, ColumnManagerRow, Groups, etc.
How to instantiate an instance of the Report class
How to use the PrintPreview method of the Reporting class with custom PrinterSettings
In the Generate a report section, when the Using built-in end-user report form button is pressed, the GenerateReportForm will be displayed from which reports can be customized, printed, and/or exported. If the Directly with the programming API button is pressed, a report will be created and previewed programmatically.
C#: Xceed Samples\Xceed Grid for WinForms v#.#\CSharp\Reporting\Xceed.Grid.Samples.Reporting.csproj
VB.NET: Xceed Samples\Xceed Grid for WinForms v#.#\Visual Basic .NET\Reporting\Xceed.Grid.Samples.Reporting.vbproj