Xceed Encryption Library Documentation
SecretKey property
Xceed Encryption control reference > Encryption Method objects > XceedRijndaelEncryptionMethod object > SecretKey property


The SecretKey property lets you set the encryption or decryption key to be used when encrypting or decrypting data using a secret-key encryption algorithm.

The length of the secret key determines the amount of bits that the encryption algorithm will use for encryption, and can only be set to a valid key size (128, 192 or 256 bits for Rijndael or Twofish ) or the library will raise an error.

Data type

Byte array variant

Default value


Applicable methods

Encrypt, Decrypt, ReadFile, WriteFile, ProcessFile, ToString and FromString

Declaration (IXceedEncryption) Copy Code

HRESULT GetSecretKey( [size_is][size_is][out] BYTE** ppcKey, [out] short* pnKeySize )

HRESULT SetSecretKey( [size_is][in] BYTE* pcKey, [in] short nKeySize )