Xceed Encryption Library Documentation
FromString method
Xceed Encryption control reference > Methods > FromString method


Converts a string containing only ASCII characters to a variant byte array.

The FromString method allows you to convert a string (which was originally converted to a string using the ToString method) back to a variant byte array. This is especially useful when the encrypted or decrypted data was transferred or stored as a string because it must be converted back to a variant byte array before it can be used by the appropriate method or property.


Parameter Description
sData The string to convert.

Return value

Returns a variant byte array containing the converted ASCII characters.

Associated properties


Declaration (DXceedEncryption) Copy Code
HRESULT FromString( [in] BSTR sData, [out,retval] VARIANT* vaResult );
Declaration (IXceedEncryption) Copy Code
HRESULT FromString( [in] BSTR sData,
              [out, size_is(,*pdwDataSize)] BYTE** ppcData,
              [out] DWORD* pdwDataSize );

Related topics

To convert a variant byte array to a string, the ToString method can be used.