This Encryption Method object represents the Rijndael secret-key encryption algorithm.
After you have either created an instance of this object or obtained one by reading the contents of the Xceed Encryption control's EncryptionMethod property, you must set the SecretKey property, or use one of the methods listed below which will allow you to set the secret key from sources other than a byte array variant.
You may also want to change the default setting of the EncryptionMode property which will add extra security to your encrypted messages. If you change the default value to emoChainedBlocks, you will need to also do so when decrypting data, and you will also need to set the InitVector property (when decrypting) or call one of the methods listed below which will do so for you.
The PaddingMethod property will allow you to change the default padding method which determines how the last block of encrypted data is handled.
The SubProcessing property can allow further operations to be efficiently performed on your encrypted data either by the Xceed Hashing or Xceed Signing objects or by other compatible Xceed component objects such as the ones from the Xceed Streaming Compression Library or the Xceed Binary Encoding Library.
DXceedRijndaelEncryptionMethod (Default dual interface)