Whereas themes determine the color and look of the elements in a view, backgrounds can be applied to the rest of the datagrid control, in all views.
The brushes displayed below are exposed by the static DataGridControlBackgroundBrushes class and can be used by assigning them to a grid's Background property (see Example 1 in Background Brushes Overview).
Evoking the dancing light shows of Earth’s polar zones, the Aurora backgrounds provide a bright display of colors for your application.
You can see further with Xceed DataGrid for WPF, and these backgrounds will inspire your end-users to do the same.
Designed for the Elemental and Office 2007 themes, these simple yet classy backgrounds subtly add the colors of Office 2007 to your datagrid.
Greet your end-users with the sunrise of a new day (or a sunset if they’re working late) when you decorate your application with the Sunrise backgrounds.
Add some mysterious nighttime mist to your application with this evocative background.
Bring a ray of sunshine into the end-user experience using these bright and cheery backgrounds.