Xceed Chart for WinForms v4.4 Documentation
Axes Overview

Welcome to Xceed Chart for WinForms v4.4 > User Guide > Axes Overview

Xceed Chart for WinForms has several standard axes on which the user can scale the displayed series in the respective chart dimension (width, height, and depth). Each axis displayed by the component is an instance of the Axis object. The following figure visually demonstrates the position and orientation of the standard Xceed Chart axes: 

figure 1.

Vertical Axes

The vertical axes are named PrimaryY and SecondaryY and are positioned on the left and right side of the chart. The PrimaryY axis is displayed on the front, and the SecondaryY axis is displayed on the back. 

The vertical axes are used to scale the series in the Y dimension. By default all series are scaled on the PrimaryY axis. The SecondaryY axis is by default not visible.

Horizontal Axes

The horizontal axes are named PrimaryX and SecondaryX and are positioned on the top and bottom sides of the chart. The PrimaryX axis is displayed on the front while the SecondaryX axis is displayed on the back. 

The horizontal axes are used to scale the series in the X dimension. By default all series are scaled on the PrimaryX axis. The SecondaryX axis is by default not visible.

Depth Axis

There is only one depth axis called the Depth axis. It is by default displayed on the bottom right-hand chart edge. It is used to scale the series along the chart depth dimension. All chart series are scaled on the depth axis.

Special Axes

The component also defines two special axes that are used by the Radar and Polar Series. They are respectively called Radar and Polar. We will discuss them in detail later in this book.

Obtaining an Instance of a Standard Axis

The user can obtain an instance of a specific standard axis by using the Axis method of the Chart component. The first overload of this method receives an argument of type StandardAxis , which accepts the following fields (for details, see StandardAxis Enumeration): 




The following example obtains the Axis object representing the SecondaryX axis:


' there is one chart created by default
Dim chart As Chart = chartControl1.Charts(0)
Dim axis As Axis = chart.Axis(StandardAxis.SecondaryX)

// there is one chart created by default
Chart chart = chartControl1.Charts[0];
Axis axis = chart.Axis(StandardAxis.SecondaryX);

See Also

Chart | Axis | PolarAxis | RadarAxis