Xceed Zip Compression Library Documentation
Overview of the Xceed Zip Items object
Xceed Zip control reference > Collection objects > Overview of the Xceed Zip Items object

VB example Delphi example VC++ example

The XceedZipItems object is returned by the GetZipContents method. It contains a static collection of items that represent the contents of a remote folder. Each item in the collection is an XceedZipItem object, which provides information on one file or folder entry contained in the zip file.

Most development languages should be able to work with the XceedZipItems collection object as a native collection. In other words, the language will provide easy access to the collection's contents. Sometimes this can be with custom statements such as VB's "For Each" statement, or through the collection's Item and Count properties. See the examples (VB, Delphi, VC++) to find out how a some of the more widely used languages can use the collection.

For users familiar with COM terminology: The XceedZipItems object exposes the IEnumVARIANT interface. The IEnumVARIANT interface is a standard COM interface for enumerating items in a collection or list. Most development languages automatically detect when an object supports this interface and can offer easy access to the collection's contents, such as the two properties mentioned above. If your language doesn't support IEnumVARIANT directly, you will need to obtain an interface pointer and use the declaration of the interface's Item and Count properties ('Get' methods) to access the collection.

Please keep in mind that you can also obtain a listing of files contained in the zip file through events. So if you don't want or cannot use a collection object, see the ListZipContents method.



Users of the DLL API must use the XziGetFirstItem and XziGetNextItem functions to obtain the contents of an XceedZipItems object.