Xceed Zip Compression Library Documentation
XceedZipItems object example for VC++
Example topics > XceedZipItems object example for VC++

Visual C++ can use the XceedZipItems object via the object's Count and Item properties, like this:

VC++ Copy Code

#include "stdafx.h"
#include <stdio.h>
#import "XceedZip.dll" named_guids no_namespace 

int main(int argc, char* argv[])
   CoInitialize( NULL ); 

      IXceedZipPtr piXceedZip( CLSID_XceedZip ); 
      piXceedZip->License( _bstr_t( L"your license key ) ); 

      IDispatchPtr pdispItems; // The IDispatch of the collection
      IXceedZipItemsPtr piFolderItems; // IXceedZipItems of the collection
      IXceedZipItemPtr piItem; // One item
      _bstr_t sName; 
      long ResultCode; // Check if successful 

      piXceedZip->ZipFilename = "c:\\temp\\test.zip"; // Zip file to list     

      ResultCode = piXceedZip->GetZipContents(&pdispItems, xcfCollection);  

      if (ResultCode == xerSuccess)
         printf( "Successfully obtained the contents of the Zip file.\n"); 

         // Display contents
         pdispItems->QueryInterface( &piFolderItems );

         for( long lIndex = 1; lIndex < piFolderItems->Count; lIndex++ )
            piItem = piFolderItems->Item[ &_variant_t( lIndex ) ];
            sName = piItem->GetFilename();
            printf( "%S\n", ( const WCHAR* )sName )
        printf("An error occurred while getting the contents.\nDescription: %S\n", 
               piXceedZip->GetErrorDescription(xvtError, ResultCode));
  catch( const _com_error& xErr )
     printf( "COM error %08x. %S\n", xErr.Error(), ( const char* )xErr.Description() );
  catch( ... )
     printf( "Unexpected error\n" );

  return 0;