Xceed Zip Compression Library Documentation
Methods migration
Migrating from previous versions > Methods migration
Old method Changes to note
Add  Renamed to Zip. No longer takes any parameters. Use the SkipIf* properties to reproduce the Add method's parameters. For example:

Before:  Add(xecAll)
After: Zip

Before: Add(xecFreshen)
After: SkipIfNotExisting = True

Before: Add(xecUpdate)
After: SkipIfExisting = True
Delete  Renamed to RemoveFiles.
Extract  Renamed to Unzip. Use the SkipIf* properties to reproduce the Extract method's parameters. See the description for the Add method above for an example.
Fix  This method no longer exists. The new library will unzip everything it can from a corrupted zip file – there's no need to fix and unzip in two separate operations. However, the Convert method will allow you to repair a corrupted zip file if you still need this functionality.
GetFileInfo  This method no longer exists. You get information on a file by using the ListZipContents method and specifying the filename in the FilesToProcess property. The ListingFile event provides you with the info.
List  Renamed to ListZipContents.
MakeSelfExtracting  This method no longer exists. The Convert method allows you to (among other things) perform the same conversion operation. Example:

Before: ZipFileName = "this.zip"
              SelfExtracting = True
              SfxBinary = "xcdsfx32.bin"

After: ZipFileName = "this.zip"
          SfxBinaryModule = "xcdSfx32.bin"

 The Xceed Compression control object now handles in-memory compression and decompression. Refer to that object for equivalent methods.
SfxResetDefaultStrings  Now divided into three methods called SfxResetButtons, SfxResetMessages and SfxResetStrings.
Test  Renamed to TestZipFile. You can now pass a parameter so you can control whether to test the zip structure only, or the zip structure and the integrity of the compressed data.
UpdateZipDate  This method no longer exists.