Xceed Zip Compression Library Documentation
ListingFile event
Xceed Zip control reference > Xceed Zip control events > ListingFile event


The ListingFile event is triggered once for each file in a zip file that is being listed as a result of calling the ListZipContents method.

The file information provided by the ListingFile event's parameters is not modifiable.

Declaration (ActiveX)  

Event ListingFile(sFilename As String, sComment As String, lSize As Long, lCompressedSize As Long, nCompressionRatio As Integer,
xAttributes As xcdFileAttributes, lCRC As Long, dtLastModified As Date, dtLastAccessed As Date,
dtCreated As Date, xMethod As xcdCompressionMethod, bEncrypted As Boolean, lDiskNumber As Long,
bExcluded As Boolean, xReason As xcdSkippingReason)


Event ListingFile64(sFilename As String, sComment As String, lSizeLow As Long, lSizeHigh As Long,
lCompressedSizeLow As Long, lCompressedSizeHigh As Long, nCompressionRatio As Integer,
xAttributes As xcdFileAttributes, lCRC As Long, dtLastModified As Date, dtLastAccessed As Date,
dtCreated As Date, xMethod As xcdCompressionMethod, bEncrypted As Boolean, lDiskNumber As Long,
bExcluded As Boolean, xReason As xcdSkippingReason)

Declaration (DLL API)  
xcdListingFileParams * pParams = ( xcdListingFileParams * ) lParam;


Parameter Description
sFilename  The path and filename of the file being listed, exactly as it is stored in the zip file.
sComment  The file's comment.
lSize  The file's original uncompressed size, in bytes.
lSizeHigh (64)
The 32 low-order and high-order bits representing the file's original uncompressed size, in bytes.
lCompressedSize  The file's compressed size, in bytes.
lCompressedSizeHigh (64)
The 32 low-order and high-order bits representing the file's compressed size, in bytes.
nCompressionRatio  The compression ratio achieved for this file.
xAttributes  The file's attributes.
lCRC  The file's uncompressed data CRC checksum.
dtLastModified  The last modification date and time stamp.
dtLastAccessed  The last accessed date and time stamp.
dtCreated  The creation date and time stamp.
xMethod  The compression method
bEncrypted  Is this an encrypted file?
lDiskNumber  When dealing with spanned zip files, the disk this file is located on.
bExcluded  Would this file be processed or excluded if the Unzip method were to be called with the same property settings as when the ListZipContents method was called?
xReason  If it will be excluded, why?

Applicable methods
