| Name | Description |
| AddChild | (Inherited from System.Windows.Controls.ContentControl) |
| AddContentBinding | When overridden in a derived class, adds a binding on the Content of the cell. (Inherited from Cell) |
| AddLogicalChild | (Inherited from Cell) |
| AddText | (Inherited from Cell) |
| AddVisualChild | (Inherited from Cell) |
| ArrangeCore | (Inherited from Cell) |
| ArrangeOverride | (Inherited from Cell) |
| CleanUpOnRemove | (Inherited from Cell) |
| ClearContainer | Overridden. Clears the content of the column-manager cell. |
| GetCellEditor | Retrieves the cell editor that is used, or that will be used, to edit the content of the cell. (Inherited from Cell) |
| GetLayoutClip | (Inherited from Cell) |
| GetTemplateChild | (Inherited from Cell) |
| GetUIParentCore | (Inherited from Cell) |
| GetVisualChild | (Inherited from Cell) |
| HitTestCore | Overloaded. (Inherited from Cell) |
| Initialize | Initializes the cell specifying its parent DataGridControl, Row, and Column. (Inherited from Cell) |
| InitializeCore | Overridden. |
| MeasureCore | (Inherited from Cell) |
| MeasureOverride | (Inherited from Cell) |
| OnAccessKey | (Inherited from Cell) |
| OnChildDesiredSizeChanged | (Inherited from Cell) |
| OnContentChanged | (Inherited from Cell) |
| OnContentStringFormatChanged | (Inherited from Cell) |
| OnContentTemplateChanged | (Inherited from Cell) |
| OnContentTemplateSelectorChanged | (Inherited from Cell) |
| OnContextMenuClosing | (Inherited from Cell) |
| OnContextMenuOpening | (Inherited from Cell) |
| OnCreateAutomationPeer | Overridden. Creates an appropriate AutomationPeer for this ColumnManagerCell instance. |
| OnDpiChanged | (Inherited from Cell) |
| OnDragEnter | (Inherited from Cell) |
| OnDragLeave | (Inherited from Cell) |
| OnDragOver | (Inherited from Cell) |
| OnDrop | (Inherited from Cell) |
| OnEditBeginning | Raises the EditBeginning event, which signals that the edit process is about to begin. (Inherited from Cell) |
| OnEditBegun | Raises the EditBegun event, which signals that the edit process has begun. (Inherited from Cell) |
| OnEditCanceled | Raises the EditCanceled event, which signals that the edit process has been canceled. (Inherited from Cell) |
| OnEditCanceling | Raises the EditCanceling event, which signals that the edit process is being canceled. (Inherited from Cell) |
| OnEditEnded | Raises the EditEnded event, which signals that the edit process has ended. (Inherited from Cell) |
| OnEditEnding | Raises the EditEnding event, which signals that the edit process is about to end. (Inherited from Cell) |
| OnGiveFeedback | (Inherited from Cell) |
| OnGotFocus | (Inherited from Cell) |
| OnGotKeyboardFocus | (Inherited from Cell) |
| OnGotMouseCapture | (Inherited from Cell) |
| OnGotStylusCapture | (Inherited from Cell) |
| OnGotTouchCapture | (Inherited from Cell) |
| OnInitialized | (Inherited from Cell) |
| OnIsKeyboardFocusedChanged | (Inherited from Cell) |
| OnIsKeyboardFocusWithinChanged | (Inherited from Cell) |
| OnIsMouseCapturedChanged | (Inherited from Cell) |
| OnIsMouseCaptureWithinChanged | (Inherited from Cell) |
| OnIsMouseDirectlyOverChanged | (Inherited from Cell) |
| OnIsStylusCapturedChanged | (Inherited from Cell) |
| OnIsStylusCaptureWithinChanged | (Inherited from Cell) |
| OnIsStylusDirectlyOverChanged | (Inherited from Cell) |
| OnKeyDown | (Inherited from Cell) |
| OnKeyUp | (Inherited from Cell) |
| OnLostFocus | (Inherited from Cell) |
| OnLostKeyboardFocus | (Inherited from Cell) |
| OnLostMouseCapture | Overridden. Invoked when an unhandled LostMouseCature attached event reaches this element in its route. |
| OnLostStylusCapture | (Inherited from Cell) |
| OnLostTouchCapture | (Inherited from Cell) |
| OnManipulationBoundaryFeedback | (Inherited from Cell) |
| OnManipulationCompleted | (Inherited from Cell) |
| OnManipulationDelta | (Inherited from Cell) |
| OnManipulationInertiaStarting | (Inherited from Cell) |
| OnManipulationStarted | (Inherited from Cell) |
| OnManipulationStarting | (Inherited from Cell) |
| OnMouseDoubleClick | (Inherited from Cell) |
| OnMouseDown | (Inherited from Cell) |
| OnMouseEnter | (Inherited from Cell) |
| OnMouseLeave | (Inherited from Cell) |
| OnMouseLeftButtonDown | Overridden. Invoked when an unhandled MouseLeftButtonDown attached event reaches this element in its route. |
| OnMouseLeftButtonUp | Overridden. Invoked when an unhandled MouseLeftButtonUp attached event reaches this element in its route. |
| OnMouseMove | Overridden. Invoked when an unhandled MouseMove attached event reaches this element in its route. |
| OnMouseRightButtonDown | (Inherited from Cell) |
| OnMouseRightButtonUp | (Inherited from Cell) |
| OnMouseUp | (Inherited from Cell) |
| OnMouseWheel | (Inherited from Cell) |
| OnPreviewDragEnter | (Inherited from Cell) |
| OnPreviewDragLeave | (Inherited from Cell) |
| OnPreviewDragOver | (Inherited from Cell) |
| OnPreviewDrop | (Inherited from Cell) |
| OnPreviewGiveFeedback | (Inherited from Cell) |
| OnPreviewGotKeyboardFocus | (Inherited from Cell) |
| OnPreviewKeyDown | Invoked when an unhandled PreviewKeyDown attached event reaches this element in its route. (Inherited from Cell) |
| OnPreviewKeyUp | (Inherited from Cell) |
| OnPreviewLostKeyboardFocus | (Inherited from Cell) |
| OnPreviewMouseDoubleClick | (Inherited from Cell) |
| OnPreviewMouseDown | (Inherited from Cell) |
| OnPreviewMouseLeftButtonDown | Invoked when an unhandled PreviewMouseLeftButtonDown attached event reaches this element in its route. (Inherited from Cell) |
| OnPreviewMouseLeftButtonUp | (Inherited from Cell) |
| OnPreviewMouseMove | (Inherited from Cell) |
| OnPreviewMouseRightButtonDown | Invoked when an unhandled PreviewMouseRightButtonDown attached event reaches this element in its route. (Inherited from Cell) |
| OnPreviewMouseRightButtonUp | (Inherited from Cell) |
| OnPreviewMouseUp | (Inherited from Cell) |
| OnPreviewMouseWheel | (Inherited from Cell) |
| OnPreviewQueryContinueDrag | (Inherited from Cell) |
| OnPreviewStylusButtonDown | (Inherited from Cell) |
| OnPreviewStylusButtonUp | (Inherited from Cell) |
| OnPreviewStylusDown | (Inherited from Cell) |
| OnPreviewStylusInAirMove | (Inherited from Cell) |
| OnPreviewStylusInRange | (Inherited from Cell) |
| OnPreviewStylusMove | (Inherited from Cell) |
| OnPreviewStylusOutOfRange | (Inherited from Cell) |
| OnPreviewStylusSystemGesture | (Inherited from Cell) |
| OnPreviewStylusUp | (Inherited from Cell) |
| OnPreviewTextInput | Invoked when an unhandled PreviewTextInput attached event reaches this element in its route. (Inherited from Cell) |
| OnPreviewTouchDown | (Inherited from Cell) |
| OnPreviewTouchMove | (Inherited from Cell) |
| OnPreviewTouchUp | (Inherited from Cell) |
| OnPropertyChanged | Raises the PropertyChanged event. (Inherited from Cell) |
| OnQueryContinueDrag | (Inherited from Cell) |
| OnQueryCursor | (Inherited from Cell) |
| OnReceiveWeakEvent | (Inherited from Cell) |
| OnRender | (Inherited from Cell) |
| OnRenderSizeChanged | (Inherited from Cell) |
| OnStyleChanged | (Inherited from Cell) |
| OnStylusButtonDown | (Inherited from Cell) |
| OnStylusButtonUp | (Inherited from Cell) |
| OnStylusDown | (Inherited from Cell) |
| OnStylusEnter | (Inherited from Cell) |
| OnStylusInAirMove | (Inherited from Cell) |
| OnStylusInRange | (Inherited from Cell) |
| OnStylusLeave | (Inherited from Cell) |
| OnStylusMove | (Inherited from Cell) |
| OnStylusOutOfRange | (Inherited from Cell) |
| OnStylusSystemGesture | (Inherited from Cell) |
| OnStylusUp | (Inherited from Cell) |
| OnTemplateChanged | (Inherited from Cell) |
| OnTextInput | (Inherited from Cell) |
| OnToolTipClosing | (Inherited from Cell) |
| OnToolTipOpening | (Inherited from Cell) |
| OnTouchDown | (Inherited from Cell) |
| OnTouchEnter | (Inherited from Cell) |
| OnTouchLeave | (Inherited from Cell) |
| OnTouchMove | (Inherited from Cell) |
| OnTouchUp | (Inherited from Cell) |
| OnValidationErrorChanging | Invoked when an unhandled ValidationErrorChanging attached event reaches this element in its route. (Inherited from Cell) |
| OnVisualChildrenChanged | (Inherited from Cell) |
| OnVisualParentChanged | (Inherited from Cell) |
| ParentLayoutInvalidated | (Inherited from Cell) |
| PartialClearContainer | (Inherited from Cell) |
| PostInitialize | Concludes the initialization of the cell. (Inherited from Cell) |
| PrepareContainer | Overridden. Prepares a container in the specified DataGridContext for the item. |
| PrepareDefaultStyleKey | Overridden. When deriving from the ColumnManagerCell class, PrepareDefaultStyleKey must be overridden in order to support dynamic style (view or theme modifications) changes. |
| RemoveContentBinding | When overridden in a derived class, removes the binding on the Content of the cell. (Inherited from Cell) |
| RemoveLogicalChild | (Inherited from Cell) |
| RemoveVisualChild | (Inherited from Cell) |
| ShouldSerializeProperty | (Inherited from Cell) |