Events | Description |
AfterDropDown (ByRef Item As SmartItem) |
Occurs when an object is about to closeup a SubItems collection. |
AfterEdit (ByRef Item As SmartItem, ByRef Cancel As Boolean) |
Occurs when an Edit area is about to loose the focus. |
BeforeCollapse (ByRef Item As SmartItem, ByRef Cancel As Boolean) |
Occurs when the user attempts to collapse a SmartItem. |
BeforeContextMenu (ByRef Item As SmartItem, ByVal X As Single, ByVal Y As Single, ByRef Cancel As Boolean) |
Occurs when the user right-clicked in the edit area of a SmartItem. |
BeforeDropDown (ByRef Item As SmartItem, ByRef Cancel As Boolean) |
Occurs when an object is about to dropdown a SubItems collection. |
BeforeEdit (ByRef Item As SmartItem, ByRef SelStart As Long, ByRef SelLength As Long, ByRef MaxLength As Long, ByRef Locked As Boolean) |
Occurs when an Edit area is about to get the focus. |
BeforeExpand (ByRef Item As SmartItem, ByRef Cancel As Boolean) |
Occurs when the user attempts to expand a SmartItem. |
Browse (ByRef Item As SmartItem) |
Occurs when a SmartItem's browse button is clicked. |
Change (ByRef Item As SmartItem, ByVal PropertyName As String) |
Occurs when a property of a SmartItem has automatically changed. |
Click (ByRef Item As SmartItem) |
Occurs when a SmartItem is clicked or selected. |
Collapse (ByRef Item As SmartItem) |
Occurs when a SmartItem is collapsed, that is, when its child items are hidden. |
CustomDropDown (ByRef Item As SmartItem, ByRef DropDownObject As Object) |
Occurs when an object is about to dropdown a SubItems collection, to allow the DropDown of specific object. |
DblClick | Occurs when the user presses and releases a mouse button and then presses and releases it again over an object. |
DropDown (ByRef Item As SmartItem) |
Occurs when the user clicks the dropdown area on a SmartItem that has no SubItems. |
Error (ByVal Number As Long, ByVal Source As String, ByVal Description As String) |
Occurs when an error raised and the EventOnError property is set to True. |
Expand (ByRef Item As SmartItem) |
Occurs when a SmartItem is expanded, that is, when its child items become visible. |
KeyDown (ByRef KeyCode As Integer, ByVal Shift As Integer) |
Occurs when the user presses a key while an object has the focus. |
KeyPress (ByRef KeyAscii As Integer) |
Occurs when the user presses and releases an ANSI key. |
KeyUp (ByRef KeyCode As Integer, ByVal Shift As Integer) |
Occurs when the user releases a key while an object has the focus. |
MouseDown (ByVal Button As Integer, ByVal Shift As Integer, ByVal X As Single, ByVal Y As Single) |
Occurs when the user presses the mouse button over an object. |
MouseMove (ByVal Button As Integer, ByVal Shift As Integer, ByVal X As Single, ByVal Y As Single) |
Occurs when the user moves the mouse over an object. |
MouseOut | Occurs when the user moves the mouse pointer off an item. |
MouseOver (ByRef Item As SmartItem) |
Occurs when the user moves the mouse pointer over an item. |
MouseUp (ByVal Button As Integer, ByVal Shift As Integer, ByVal X As Single, ByVal Y As Single) |
Occurs when the user releases the mouse button over an object. |
Paint | Occurs when a SmartUI is refreshed. |
Scroll | Occurs when the Item displayed in the topmost or leftmost position changed. |
Properties | Description |
BackColor As OLE_COLOR | Returns/sets the background color used to display an object. |
BackStyle As BackStyleConstants | Returns/sets a value indicating the background style of an object. |
BorderColor As OLE_COLOR | Returns/sets the color used to display the border of an object. |
BorderStyle As BorderStyleConstants | Returns/sets a value indicating the border style of an object. |
Caption As String | Returns/sets a string indicating the text displayed in an object's title bar. |
CaptionAlignment As AlignmentConstants | Returns/sets a value indicating the alignment of the caption's text. |
CaptionStyle As CaptionStyleConstants | Returns/sets a value indicating the style of the caption. |
EdgeStyle As EdgeConstants | Returns/sets a value indicating the sides of the object to draw using BorderStyle. |
Enabled As Boolean | Returns/sets a boolean indicating whether an object can respond to user-generated events, or not. |
EventOnError As Boolean | Returns/sets a boolean indicating if the object must raise an error event instead of a system error. |
ExternalImageList As Object | Returns/sets a reference to another SmartUI object or Microsoft ImageList control. |
Font As StdFont | Returns/sets the font object used to display text. |
FontSource As FontSourceConstants | Returns/sets a value indicating the font used to display an object. |
ForeColor As OLE_COLOR | Returns/sets the foreground color used to display text/graphics in an object. |
HotItem As SmartItem | Returns a reference to the item currently hovered by the mouse or Nothing if no item is hot. |
ImageHeight As Long | Returns/sets a value indicating the height of a ListImage object. |
ImageWidth As Long | Returns/sets a value indicating the width of a ListImage object. |
IndentSize As Long | Returns/sets a value indicating the width of an indent level. |
InnerSpaceBottom As Long | Returns/sets a value indicating the free space in pixel between the border of the object and the area to draw items. |
InnerSpaceLeft As Long | Returns/sets a value indicating the free space in pixel between the border of the object and the area to draw items. |
InnerSpaceRight As Long | Returns/sets a value indicating the free space in pixel between the border of the object and the area to draw items. |
InnerSpaceTop As Long | Returns/sets a value indicating the free space in pixel between the border of the object and the area to draw items. |
ListImages As ListImages | Returns a reference to a collection of ListImage objects. |
NewItem As SmartItem | Returns a reference to the SmartItem most recently added. |
Orientation As OrientationConstants | Returns/sets a value indicating whenever items are displayed horizontally or vertically. |
OuterSpaceBottom As Long | Returns/sets a value indicating the free space in pixel between the outside of a control and the border of the object. |
OuterSpaceLeft As Long | Returns/sets a value indicating the free space in pixel between the outside of a control and the border of the object. |
OuterSpaceRight As Long | Returns/sets a value indicating the free space in pixel between the outside of a control and the border of the object. |
OuterSpaceTop As Long | Returns/sets a value indicating the free space in pixel between the outside of a control and the border of the object. |
PlusMinusStyle As PlusMinusStyleConstants | Returns/sets a value indicating the style of the Plus/Minus button to the left of each parent SmartItem. |
Redraw As Boolean | Returns/sets a value indicating whether the object should be automatically redrawn after each change. |
ScrollBarStyle As ScrollBarStyleConstants | Returns/sets a value indicating the style used to draw the ScrollBar. |
SelectedItem As SmartItem | Returns a reference to the selected SmartItem. |
ShowFocusRect As Boolean | Returns/sets a boolean indicating if a focus rectangle is visible on the selected item when the SmartUI gets the focus. |
ShowTreeLines As Boolean | Returns/sets a boolean indicating whether there are lines linking child SmartItems to their corresponding parent SmartItems, or not. |
SmartItems As SmartItems | Returns a reference to a collection of SmartItem objects. |
Sorted As Boolean | Returns/sets a boolean indicating whether the SmartItems are automatically sorted alphabetically by Caption, or not. |
TabPos As Variant | Returns/sets a value indicating the width of the first column. |
TopIndex As Long | Returns/sets a value indicating which item in a control is displayed in the topmost or leftmost position. |
XP As Boolean | Returns/sets a value indicating if the Office XP look & feel should be used. |
Methods | Description |
ItemIsVisible (ByVal KeyOrIndex As Variant) As Boolean |
Returns a value indicating whether a SmartItem is currently visible in the SmartUI control, or not. |
License (ByVal sLicense As String) As Boolean |
Licenses the library for runtime use. |
LoadTemplate (ByVal TemplateFileName As String) As Boolean |
Loads the resources and properties of a SmartUI object from a file. |
Refresh | Forces a complete repaint of an object. |
SaveTemplate (ByVal TemplateFileName As String) As Boolean |
Saves the resources and properties of a SmartUI object in a file. |