Xceed SmartUI Documentation
Objects and Collections > SmartUI
Events Description
(ByRef Item As SmartItem)
Occurs when an object is about to closeup a SubItems collection.
(ByRef Item As SmartItem, ByRef Cancel As Boolean)
Occurs when an Edit area is about to loose the focus.
(ByRef Item As SmartItem, ByRef Cancel As Boolean)
Occurs when the user attempts to collapse a SmartItem.
(ByRef Item As SmartItem, ByVal X As Single, ByVal Y As Single, ByRef Cancel As Boolean)
Occurs when the user right-clicked in the edit area of a SmartItem.
(ByRef Item As SmartItem, ByRef Cancel As Boolean)
Occurs when an object is about to dropdown a SubItems collection.
(ByRef Item As SmartItem, ByRef SelStart As Long, ByRef SelLength As Long, ByRef MaxLength As Long, ByRef Locked As Boolean)
Occurs when an Edit area is about to get the focus.
(ByRef Item As SmartItem, ByRef Cancel As Boolean)
Occurs when the user attempts to expand a SmartItem.
(ByRef Item As SmartItem)
Occurs when a SmartItem's browse button is clicked.
(ByRef Item As SmartItem, ByVal PropertyName As String)
Occurs when a property of a SmartItem has automatically changed.
(ByRef Item As SmartItem)
Occurs when a SmartItem is clicked or selected.
(ByRef Item As SmartItem)
Occurs when a SmartItem is collapsed, that is, when its child items are hidden.
(ByRef Item As SmartItem, ByRef DropDownObject As Object)
Occurs when an object is about to dropdown a SubItems collection, to allow the DropDown of specific object.
DblClick Occurs when the user presses and releases a mouse button and then presses and releases it again over an object.
(ByRef Item As SmartItem)
Occurs when the user clicks the dropdown area on a SmartItem that has no SubItems.
(ByVal Number As Long, ByVal Source As String, ByVal Description As String)
Occurs when an error raised and the EventOnError property is set to True.
(ByRef Item As SmartItem)
Occurs when a SmartItem is expanded, that is, when its child items become visible.
(ByRef KeyCode As Integer, ByVal Shift As Integer)
Occurs when the user presses a key while an object has the focus.
(ByRef KeyAscii As Integer)
Occurs when the user presses and releases an ANSI key.
(ByRef KeyCode As Integer, ByVal Shift As Integer)
Occurs when the user releases a key while an object has the focus.
(ByVal Button As Integer, ByVal Shift As Integer, ByVal X As Single, ByVal Y As Single)
Occurs when the user presses the mouse button over an object.
(ByVal Button As Integer, ByVal Shift As Integer, ByVal X As Single, ByVal Y As Single)
Occurs when the user moves the mouse over an object.
MouseOut Occurs when the user moves the mouse pointer off an item.
(ByRef Item As SmartItem)
Occurs when the user moves the mouse pointer over an item.
(ByVal Button As Integer, ByVal Shift As Integer, ByVal X As Single, ByVal Y As Single)
Occurs when the user releases the mouse button over an object.
Paint Occurs when a SmartUI is refreshed.
Scroll Occurs when the Item displayed in the topmost or leftmost position changed.
Properties Description
BackColor As OLE_COLOR Returns/sets the background color used to display an object.
BackStyle As BackStyleConstants Returns/sets a value indicating the background style of an object.
BorderColor As OLE_COLOR Returns/sets the color used to display the border of an object.
BorderStyle As BorderStyleConstants Returns/sets a value indicating the border style of an object.
Caption As String Returns/sets a string indicating the text displayed in an object's title bar.
CaptionAlignment As AlignmentConstants Returns/sets a value indicating the alignment of the caption's text.
CaptionStyle As CaptionStyleConstants Returns/sets a value indicating the style of the caption.
EdgeStyle As EdgeConstants Returns/sets a value indicating the sides of the object to draw using BorderStyle.
Enabled As Boolean Returns/sets a boolean indicating whether an object can respond to user-generated events, or not.
EventOnError As Boolean Returns/sets a boolean indicating if the object must raise an error event instead of a system error.
ExternalImageList As Object Returns/sets a reference to another SmartUI object or Microsoft ImageList control.
Font As StdFont Returns/sets the font object used to display text.
FontSource As FontSourceConstants Returns/sets a value indicating the font used to display an object.
ForeColor As OLE_COLOR Returns/sets the foreground color used to display text/graphics in an object.
HotItem As SmartItem Returns a reference to the item currently hovered by the mouse or Nothing if no item is hot.
ImageHeight As Long Returns/sets a value indicating the height of a ListImage object.
ImageWidth As Long Returns/sets a value indicating the width of a ListImage object.
IndentSize As Long Returns/sets a value indicating the width of an indent level.
InnerSpaceBottom As Long Returns/sets a value indicating the free space in pixel between the border of the object and the area to draw items.
InnerSpaceLeft As Long Returns/sets a value indicating the free space in pixel between the border of the object and the area to draw items.
InnerSpaceRight As Long Returns/sets a value indicating the free space in pixel between the border of the object and the area to draw items.
InnerSpaceTop As Long Returns/sets a value indicating the free space in pixel between the border of the object and the area to draw items.
ListImages As ListImages Returns a reference to a collection of ListImage objects.
NewItem As SmartItem Returns a reference to the SmartItem most recently added.
Orientation As OrientationConstants Returns/sets a value indicating whenever items are displayed horizontally or vertically.
OuterSpaceBottom As Long Returns/sets a value indicating the free space in pixel between the outside of a control and the border of the object.
OuterSpaceLeft As Long Returns/sets a value indicating the free space in pixel between the outside of a control and the border of the object.
OuterSpaceRight As Long Returns/sets a value indicating the free space in pixel between the outside of a control and the border of the object.
OuterSpaceTop As Long Returns/sets a value indicating the free space in pixel between the outside of a control and the border of the object.
PlusMinusStyle As PlusMinusStyleConstants Returns/sets a value indicating the style of the Plus/Minus button to the left of each parent SmartItem.
Redraw As Boolean Returns/sets a value indicating whether the object should be automatically redrawn after each change.
ScrollBarStyle As ScrollBarStyleConstants Returns/sets a value indicating the style used to draw the ScrollBar.
SelectedItem As SmartItem Returns a reference to the selected SmartItem.
ShowFocusRect As Boolean Returns/sets a boolean indicating if a focus rectangle is visible on the selected item when the SmartUI gets the focus.
ShowTreeLines As Boolean Returns/sets a boolean indicating whether there are lines linking child SmartItems to their corresponding parent SmartItems, or not.
SmartItems As SmartItems Returns a reference to a collection of SmartItem objects.
Sorted As Boolean Returns/sets a boolean indicating whether the SmartItems are automatically sorted alphabetically by Caption, or not.
TabPos As Variant Returns/sets a value indicating the width of the first column.
TopIndex As Long Returns/sets a value indicating which item in a control is displayed in the topmost or leftmost position.
XP As Boolean Returns/sets a value indicating if the Office XP look & feel should be used.
Methods Description
(ByVal KeyOrIndex As Variant) As Boolean
Returns a value indicating whether a SmartItem is currently visible in the SmartUI control, or not.
(ByVal sLicense As String) As Boolean
Licenses the library for runtime use.
(ByVal TemplateFileName As String) As Boolean
Loads the resources and properties of a SmartUI object from a file.
Refresh Forces a complete repaint of an object.
(ByVal TemplateFileName As String) As Boolean
Saves the resources and properties of a SmartUI object in a file.