Xceed SmartUI Documentation
Objects and Collections > SmartItem
Properties Description
Alignment As AlignmentConstants Returns/sets a value indicating the position of a SmartItem within a SmartUI.
AreaBackColor As OLE_COLOR Returns/sets a value indicating the color used to display the background area of an object.
BackColor As OLE_COLOR Returns/sets the background color used to display an item.
Bold As Boolean Returns/sets a boolean indicating whether the font style is bold or not.
Caption As String Returns/sets a string indicating the text displayed in an item.
Checked As Boolean Returns/sets a boolean indicating whether the given item is selected.
Description As String Returns/sets a string indicating the description associated with an item.
DisabledImage As Variant Returns/sets a value indicating the image to display when the item is disabled.
Enabled As Boolean Returns/sets a boolean indicating whether an item can respond to user-generated events, or not.
Expanded As Boolean Returns/sets a value indicating whether its children are shown or hidden.
ForeColor As OLE_COLOR Returns/sets the foreground color used to display text in an item.
HandPointer As Boolean Returns/sets a boolean indicating whether the control shows a hand-mouse pointer when the mouse is hover an item, or not.
HasChildren As Boolean Returns a value indicating whether the SmartItem has child SmartItems.
Height As Single Returns/sets a value indicating the height of an item.
HotAreaBackColor As OLE_COLOR Returns/sets a value indicating the color used to display the background area of an object, when the mouse is hover.
HotBackColor As OLE_COLOR Returns/sets a value indicating the background color used to display an object, when the mouse is hover.
HotBold As Boolean Returns/sets a value indicating whether the font is forced to bold when the mouse is hover an item, or not.
HotForeColor As OLE_COLOR Returns/sets the foreground color used to display text when the mouse is hover an item.
HotImage As Variant Returns/sets a value indicating the image to display when the mouse is hover an item.
HotItalic As Boolean Returns/sets a value indicating whether the font is forced to italic when the mouse is hover an item, or not.
HotTrackSelect As Boolean Returns/sets a value indicating whether the control should be automatically selected when the mouse is hover an item for a certain period of time, or not.
HotUnderline As Boolean Returns/sets a value indicating whether the font is forced to underline when the mouse is hover an item, or not.
Image As Variant Returns/sets a value indicating the default image to display.
Indent As Long Returns/sets a value indicating the amount of indent used to display an item.
Index As Long Returns/sets the index of an item in a SmartItems collection.
Italic As Boolean Returns/sets a boolean indicating whether the font style is italic or not.
ItemType As SmartItemType Returns/sets a value indicating the type of an item.
Key As String Returns/sets the unique string of an object in a collection.
Left As Single Returns a value indicating the distance between the left edge of an item and the left edge of its container.
ParentItem As SmartItem Returns/sets a reference to the Parent of a SmartItem.
Selected As Boolean Returns/sets a value indicating the selection status of a SmartItem in a control.
SelectedBackColor As OLE_COLOR Returns/sets a value indicating the background color used to display an object when it is selected.
SelectedBold As Boolean Returns/sets a value indicating whether the font is forced to bold when the item is selected, or not.
SelectedForeColor As OLE_COLOR Returns/sets a value indicating the foreground color used to display text in an object when it is selected.
SelectedImage As Variant Returns/sets a value indicating the image to display when the item is selected.
SelectedItalic As Boolean Returns/sets a value indicating whether the font is forced to italic when the item is selected, or not.
SelectedUnderline As Boolean Returns/sets a value indicating whether the font is forced to underline when the item is selected, or not.
Shortcut As String Returns/sets a string indicating the combination of key presses that will cause a SmartItem to behave as if it had been clicked.
SubItems As SmartItems Returns a reference to a collection of SmartItem objects.
Tag As Variant Stores any extra data needed for your program.
Tag(ByVal vNewValue As Variant) Stores any extra data needed for your program.
ToolTipText As String Returns/sets a string indicating the text that appears as a ToolTip for an item.
Top As Single Returns a value indicating the distance between the top edge of an item and the top edge of its container.
UnderLine As Boolean Returns/sets a value indicating whether the font style is underlined or not.
Value As Variant Returns/sets a value depending of the ItemType.
ValueBackColor As OLE_COLOR Returns/sets a value indicating the background color used to display the Value Area of an object.
ValueForeColor As OLE_COLOR Returns/sets a value indicating the forecolor used to display the Value Area of an object.
ValueSelectedBackColor As OLE_COLOR Returns/sets a value indicating the background color used to display the Value Area of an object, when it is selected.
ValueSelectedForeColor As OLE_COLOR Returns/sets a value indicating the forecolor used to display the Value Area of an object, when it is selected.
Visibility As VisibilityConstants Returns/sets a value indicating whether an item is visible or hidden.
Width As Single Returns/sets a value indicating the width of an item.
Methods Description
EnsureVisible Ensures a SmartItem is visible, scrolling or expanding the control if necessary.
GetDataFrom(ByRef SmartItem As SmartItem) As Boolean Copies all properties and subitems from a specific SmartItem.
PopupMenu(Optional ByVal X As Single, Optional ByVal Y As Single) Displays a pop-up menu with the SubItems on a SmartItem object.