For a list of all members of this type, see GridElement members.
Public Methods
| Name | Description |
 | BringIntoView | Brings the grid element into the visible area of the grid. |
 | CreateObjRef | (Inherited from System.MarshalByRefObject) |
 | GetLifetimeService | (Inherited from System.MarshalByRefObject) |
 | InitializeLifetimeService | (Inherited from System.MarshalByRefObject) |
 | ResetBackColor | Resets the value of the BackColor property to its default value, DefaultBackColor. |
 | ResetClipPartialLine | Resets the value of the ClipPartialLine property to its default value, DefaultClipPartialLine. |
 | ResetFont | Resets the value of the Font property to its default value, DefaultFont. |
 | ResetForeColor | Resets the value of the ForeColor property to its default value, DefaultForeColor. |
 | ResetHorizontalAlignment | Resets the value of the HorizontalAlignment property to its default value, DefaultHorizontalAlignment. |
 | ResetOverrideUIStyle | Resets the value of the OverrideUIStyle property to its default value, DefaultOverrideUIStyle. |
 | ResetReadOnly | Resets the value of the ReadOnly property to its default value, DefaultReadOnly. |
 | ResetReportStyle | Resets the property values of the ReportStyle. |
 | ResetStyle | Resets the values of the properties affected by a GridElementStyle to their default values. |
 | ResetTag | Resets the value of the Tag property to its default value, DefaultTag. |
 | ResetTrimming | Resets the value of the Trimming property to its default value, DefaultTrimming. |
 | ResetVerticalAlignment | Resets the value of the VerticalAlignment property to its default value, DefaultVerticalAlignment. |
 | ResetVisible | Resets the value of the Visible property to its default value, DefaultVisible. |
 | ResetWordWrap | Resets the value of the WordWrap property to its default value, DefaultWordWrap. |
Protected Methods
See Also