| Name | Description |
| ApplyStyleSheet | Applies the specified stylesheet to the grid. |
| BeginInit | Signals the beginning of a batch modification process. |
| BringIntoView | Overridden. Brings the detail grid into the visible area of the GridElement.GridControl. |
| Clear | Clears the entire content of the grid including the data binding and styles and collections. |
| Collapse | Collapses the group and all its child groups. (Inherited from Xceed.Grid.GroupBase) |
| CreateObjRef | (Inherited from System.MarshalByRefObject) |
| EndInit | Signals the end of a batch modification process. |
| Expand | Expands the group and its child groups if applicable. (Inherited from Xceed.Grid.GroupBase) |
| GetLifetimeService | (Inherited from System.MarshalByRefObject) |
| GetSortedDataRowCount | Retrieves a value indicating the number of DataRow objects in the group. (Inherited from Xceed.Grid.GroupBase) |
| GetSortedDataRows | Retrieves a collection of sorted data rows. (Inherited from Xceed.Grid.GroupBase) |
| InitializeLifetimeService | (Inherited from System.MarshalByRefObject) |
| Invalidate | Invalidates the rectangle of the detail grid and causes a paint message to be sent to the GridElement.GridControl. |
| ResetAccessibleDefaultActionDescription | Resets the value of the GroupBase.AccessibleDefaultActionDescription property to its default value, GroupBase.DefaultAccessibleDefaultActionDescription. (Inherited from Xceed.Grid.GroupBase) |
| ResetAccessibleDescription | Resets the value of the GroupBase.AccessibleDescription property to its default value, GroupBase.DefaultAccessibleDescription. (Inherited from Xceed.Grid.GroupBase) |
| ResetAccessibleName | Resets the value of the GroupBase.AccessibleName property to its default value, GroupBase.DefaultAccessibleName. (Inherited from Xceed.Grid.GroupBase) |
| ResetAllowCellNavigation | Resets the value of the AllowCellNavigation property to its default value, DefaultAllowCellNavigation. |
| ResetAutoCreateColumns | Resets the value of the AutoCreateColumns property to its default value, DefaultAutoCreateColumns. |
| ResetBackColor | Resets the value of the GridElement.BackColor property to its default value, GridElement.DefaultBackColor. (Inherited from Xceed.Grid.GridElement) |
| ResetCellEditorDisplayConditions | Resets the value of the GroupBase.CellEditorDisplayConditions property to its default value, GroupBase.DefaultCellEditorDisplayConditions. (Inherited from Xceed.Grid.GroupBase) |
| ResetClipPartialLine | Resets the value of the GridElement.ClipPartialLine property to its default value, GridElement.DefaultClipPartialLine. (Inherited from Xceed.Grid.GridElement) |
| ResetCollapsed | Resets the value of the GroupBase.Collapsed property to its default value, GroupBase.DefaultCollapsed. (Inherited from Xceed.Grid.GroupBase) |
| ResetErrorBackColor | Resets the value of the ErrorBackColor property to its default value, DefaultErrorBackColor. |
| ResetErrorForeColor | Resets the value of the ErrorForeColor property to its default value, DefaultErrorForeColor. |
| ResetErrorVisualStyle | Resets the visual style of a row that contains a cell that contains an error in the DetailGrid. |
| ResetFont | Resets the value of the GridElement.Font property to its default value, GridElement.DefaultFont. (Inherited from Xceed.Grid.GridElement) |
| ResetForeColor | Resets the value of the GridElement.ForeColor property to its default value, GridElement.DefaultForeColor. (Inherited from Xceed.Grid.GridElement) |
| ResetHideSelection | Resets the value of the HideSelection property to its default value, DefaultHideSelection. |
| ResetHorizontalAlignment | Resets the value of the GridElement.HorizontalAlignment property to its default value, GridElement.DefaultHorizontalAlignment. (Inherited from Xceed.Grid.GridElement) |
| ResetInactiveSelectionBackColor | Resets the value of the InactiveSelectionBackColor property to its default value, DefaultInactiveSelectionBackColor. |
| ResetInactiveSelectionForeColor | Resets the value of the InactiveSelectionForeColor property to its default value, DefaultInactiveSelectionForeColor. |
| ResetInactiveSelectionVisualStyle | Resets the visual style of an inactive selected row in the DetailGrid. |
| ResetOverrideUIStyle | Resets the value of the GridElement.OverrideUIStyle property to its default value, GridElement.DefaultOverrideUIStyle. (Inherited from Xceed.Grid.GridElement) |
| ResetReadOnly | Resets the value of the GridElement.ReadOnly property to its default value, GridElement.DefaultReadOnly. (Inherited from Xceed.Grid.GridElement) |
| ResetReportStyle | Resets the property values of the GridElement.ReportStyle. (Inherited from Xceed.Grid.GridElement) |
| ResetSelectionBackColor | Resets the value of the SelectionBackColor property to its default value, DefaultSelectionBackColor. |
| ResetSelectionForeColor | Resets the value of the SelectionForeColor property to its default value, DefaultSelectionForeColor. |
| ResetSelectionVisualStyle | Resets the visual style of a selected row in the DetailGrid. |
| ResetShowTreeLines | Resets the value of the ShowTreeLines property to its default value, DefaultShowTreeLines. |
| ResetShowUnlinkedColumns | Resets the value of the ShowUnlinkedColumns property to its default value, DefaultShowUnlinkedColumns. |
| ResetStyle | Overridden. Resets the values of the properties affected by the ApplyStyleSheet method to their default values. |
| ResetTag | Resets the value of the GridElement.Tag property to its default value, GridElement.DefaultTag. (Inherited from Xceed.Grid.GridElement) |
| ResetTitle | Resets the value of the Title property to its default value, DefaultTitle. |
| ResetTrimming | Resets the value of the GridElement.Trimming property to its default value, GridElement.DefaultTrimming. (Inherited from Xceed.Grid.GridElement) |
| ResetVerticalAlignment | Resets the value of the GridElement.VerticalAlignment property to its default value, GridElement.DefaultVerticalAlignment. (Inherited from Xceed.Grid.GridElement) |
| ResetVisible | Resets the value of the GridElement.Visible property to its default value, GridElement.DefaultVisible. (Inherited from Xceed.Grid.GridElement) |
| ResetWordWrap | Resets the value of the GridElement.WordWrap property to its default value, GridElement.DefaultWordWrap. (Inherited from Xceed.Grid.GridElement) |
| SetDataBinding | Sets the DataSource and DataMember properties at run time. |
| UpdateDetailGrids | Updates the detail grid's contained in the detail grid. Any modifications made to the DetailGridTemplates property must be followed by a call to UpdateDetailGrids otherwise the changes will not be reflected in the detail grid. |
| UpdateGrouping | Updates the way in which the grid is grouped according to the groups specified in the GroupTemplates property. |
| UpdateRectangles | Recalculates and repaints (invalidates) the rectangles of each GridElement in the GridElement.GridControl. The rectangles of the GridElement.GridControl are not affected. |