Checking the Required Field checkbox in the "Other options" group indicates that it is a mandatory field. When unchecked, the value of an input component must either be empty or conform to these settings. When checked, and the input component is left empty, the error message defined in the "Required Field" message of the "Default Validation Error Messages for ValidationProvider" dialog is displayed.
The Case Sensitive checkbox indicates that the input component should distinguish between uppercase (capital) and lowercase (small) letters.
The Trim Left/Right checkbox indicates that whitespace characters should be removed from the beginning or the end of the input component's value before validation is performed.
Finally, the Customize Error Messages for this Criterion link allows customized error messages to be defined for the selected input component, which will be used instead of the default error messages (see Customizing Error Messages for details).
The Import/Export/Restore settings links are only available for Regular Expression criterion types.
Setting Up Default Error Messages