Xceed FTP Library Documentation
XceedFtpFolderItem object
XceedFtp control reference > Optional objects and interfaces > XceedFtpFolderItem object

The XceedFtpFolderItem object is a non-creatable object obtained from an XceedFtpFolderItems collection. It provides information on a file, folder or link.

The information in the XceedFtpFolderItem object can be obtained through the following properties that it offers: 

Property Data Type Description
ItemName String The name of the file, folder or link.
ItemType EXFFolderItemType The type of the item - file, folder or link.
Date Date The date and time stamp of the item.
FileSize Long The size, in bytes, of the item.
UserData String If you wrote a handler for the ParsingListLine event, this property will contain the value specified, if any, in the event's sUserData parameter.


Declaration (read-only properties)  

[propget] HRESULT ItemName([out, retval] BSTR *pVal);

[propget] HRESULT Date([out, retval] DATE *pVal);

[propget] HRESULT FileSize([out, retval] long *pVal);

[propget] HRESULT ItemType([out, retval] EXFFolderItemType *pVal);

[propget] HRESULT UserData([out, retval] BSTR *pVal);

