Xceed FTP Library Documentation
ParsingListLine event
XceedFtp control reference > Events > ParsingListLine event


This event is triggered for each folder listing line sent by the FTP server, and enables your application to manually parse the listing line.

The parsed information (filename or folder name, file date, file size) must be specified in the appropriate parameter (sName, dtDate and lFileSize).

If you do parse the line, make sure to set the bParsed parameter to True, otherwise the listing line will be ignored, even if it was already parsed by the Xceed FTP Library.

For most FTP servers, manual parsing is not necessary. Use this capability only if you have discovered an unsupported FTP server listing type.

This event is only triggered if the ListParsingFlags property is set to a value that contains the flpManualParsing value, and if it has not been disabled via the EventFilter property.

You can specify custom data in the sUserData parameter. This custom data will be returned to your application when the ListingFolderItem event is triggered, or via the XceedFtpFolderItem object from the XceedFtpFolderItems collection.

All parameters are modifiable except sLineToParse.


Parameter Description
sLineToParse  The listing line sent by the FTP server.
sName  The filename parsed.
dtDate  The file date parsed.
lFileSize  The file size parsed.
eItemType  Either fitFile, fitFolder or fitLink, depending on if the listing line is referring to a file, a folder or a link.
sUserData  Custom data (see description above).
bParsed  Set this to True if you have parsed the listing line, or leave it to false to ignore this particular listing line..


If the ListParsingFlags property is set to both flpManualParsing andflpAutomaticParsing, you can allow the library to attempt to automatically parse the data, and then (for any reason) also parse it yourself.

Declaration (event)  

void ParsingListLine(
[in] BSTR sLineToParse, 
[in,out] BSTR* sName, 
[in,out] DATE* dtDate, 
[in,out] long* lFileSize, 
[in,out] EXFFolderItemType* eItemType, 
[in,out] BSTR* sUserData, 
[in,out] VARIANT_BOOL* bParsed

Declaration (interface implementation)  

HRESULT ParsingListLine(
[in] BSTR sLineToParse, 
[in,out] BSTR* sName, 
[in,out] DATE* dtDate, 
[in,out] long* lFileSize, 
[in,out] EXFFolderItemType* eItemType, 
[in,out] BSTR* sUserData, 
[in,out] VARIANT_BOOL* bParsed