Xceed FTP Library Documentation
ReceiveMultipleFiles method
XceedFtp control reference > Methods > ReceiveMultipleFiles method


Receive multiple files (or an entire directory structure) from the FTP server.

This method will attempt to receive all remote files that match the path and file mask specified by the sRemoteFileMask parameter. See Wildcards . The files that end up being received are placed in the local folder specified by the sLocalFolder parameter.

The remote file mask can be relative to the FTP server’s current working folder , or be an absolute path on the remote system.

For each folder scanned for matching files, the ScanningFolder event is triggered. For each file that matches the file mask, the FileMatched event is triggered. When the scanning for matching phase is completed, the ReceivingFile is triggered right before each file is received. Handlers for the ReceivingFile event can rename or relocate each file being downloaded on a case-by-case basis. Once each file is being received, the FileTransferStatus event is triggered for each data packet received over the network.

This method can only be used when the CurrentState property's value is fcsConnected.


Parameter Description
sRemoteFileMask  The file mask (path optional) of the remote files to receive.
sLocalFolder  The path where to place the received files. Any received subfolders are recreated using this path as the root directory.
bProcessSubfolders  Set to True to recursively scan remote subfolders to find files that match sRemoteFileMask, set to False to send only files directly located in the specified remote path without scanning subfolders


HRESULT ReceiveMultipleFiles
[in] BSTR sRemoteFileMask,
[in] BSTR sLocalFolder,
[in] VARIANT_BOOL bProcessSubfolders

Applicable properties

AccountName, ListParsingFlags, LocalDataAddress, LocalDataPort, PassiveMode, RemoteDataAddress, RemoteDataPort, RepresentationType

Events triggered

FileMatched, FileTransferStatus, LoggingCommandLine, ParsingListLine, ProcessCompleted, ReceivingFile, ScanningFolder