Xceed .NET Libraries Documentation
QuickFtp class

Welcome to Xceed Data Manipulation Compoents for .NET and .NET Standard > Basic Concepts > The Quick classes > QuickFtp class

This topic briefly presents some of the simpler overloads of the static methods of the QuickFtp class; for a complete list, see the class's methods in the reference documentation. Also, see the appropriate topics under Task-Based Help for more complete examples.

The methods

Only the simpler overloads ar presented here. Other overloads let you specify user names and passwords, authentication methods, and callbacks (certificate required/received, item/byte progression).

The Send method lets you send files to an FTP server. The following specifies the hostname of the FTP server to connect to, the remote destination folder, and the files to send (searching recursively). 

VB.NET Copy Code
QuickFtp.Send("ftp.server.com", "\public", "d:\test\test.txt")
C# Copy Code
QuickFtp.Send("ftp.server.com", @"\public", @"d:\test\test.txt");

The Receive method lets you retrieve files from an FTP server. The following specifies the FTP server hostname, the local folder in which to place the file, and the file to receive. 

VB.NET Copy Code
QuickFtp.Receive("ftp.server.com", "d:\", "test\test.txt")
C# Copy Code
QuickFtp.Receive("ftp.server.com", @"d:\", @"test\test.txt");

The GetFtpContents method instructs the FTP server to list its contents. The following specifies the FTP server hostname, the remote folder to list, and no filters.

VB.NET Copy Code
Dim items As QuickFtpItem() = QuickFtp.GetFtpContents("ftp.server.com", "\", Nothing)
C# Copy Code
QuickFtpItem[] items = QuickFtp.GetFtpContents("ftp.server.com", @"\", null);

Finally, the Delete method deletes items from an FTP server. 

VB.NET Copy Code
QuickFtp.Delete("ftp.server.com", False, "test\test.txt")
C# Copy Code
QuickFtp.Delete("ftp.server.com", false, @"test\test.txt");


Overloads which do not have a recursive parameter automatically perform their operation recursively.