Xceed .NET Libraries Documentation
The Quick classes
Welcome to Xceed Data Manipulation Compoents for .NET and .NET Standard > Basic Concepts > The Quick classes

This section of the manual has one goal: To show you, as fast as possible, how to start using the static methods of the "Quick" classes.

Each major namespace in Xceed's data manipulation products has a corresponding "Quick" class: QuickZip (Zip namespace), QuickFtp (Ftp namespace), QuickCompression (Compression namespace), QuickTar (Tar namespace), and QuickGZip (GZip namespace). These classes expose static methods that allow one-line data manipulation operations. For more complex file operations, including the use of events, use the FileSystem-based namespaces listed above.

Although their parameters vary, the methods of the "Quick" classes are conceptually very similar. Here we will present an overview of some of the operations that can be performed, using the simpler overloads. For more details, see the reference documentation or specific topics in the Task-Based Help section.
