Xceed .NET Libraries Documentation
Extending the AbstractFile class

Welcome to Xceed Data Manipulation Compoents for .NET and .NET Standard > Advanced Concepts > Extending > Extending the AbstractFile class

The AbstractFile class, as well as all the classes that derive from the AbstractFile class, can be derived from to create custom file classes.

Basic Steps

When creating a class that derives from the AbstractFile class or one of its derived classes, the following functions must be implemented: 

Method/Property Description
DoSize Gets the size of the file in bytes.
DoOpenRead Opens the file for reading.
DoOpenWrite Opens the file for writing.
DoName Gets or sets the short name of the item.
DoFullName Gets the full name of the item.
DoAttributes Gets or sets the attributes of the item. If your custom file does not support attributes, override the DoHasAttributes property and return false. This will prevent the DoAttributes method from being called needlessly.
DoCreationDateTime Gets or sets the creation date and time of the item. If your custom file does not support having a creation date and time, override the DoHasCreationDateTime property and return false. This will prevent the DoCreationDateTime method from being called needlessly.
DoLastWriteDateTime Gets or sets the modification date and time of the item. If your custom file does not support having a last write date and time, override the DoHasLastWriteDateTime property and return false. This will prevent the DoLastWriteDateTime method from being called needlessly.
DoLastAccessDateTime Gets or sets the last access date and time of the item. If your custom file does not support having a last access date and time, override the DoHasLastAccessDateTime property and return false. This will prevent the DoLastAccessDateTime method from being called needlessly.
DoParentFolder Gets a reference to the parent folder of this item.
DoRootFolder Gets a reference to the root folder of this item.
DoExists Gets a boolean value indicating if the item physically exists.
DoRefresh Re-reads the information from the physical item.
DoCreate Creates the physical item represented by the FileSystemItem object.
DoDelete Permanently deletes the physical item.
IsSameAs Gets a boolean value indicating if the source and target items are the same.
IsPathRooted Returns a boolean value indicating if the path passed is rooted in the environment of the FileSystemItem object we are dealing with.

Each of the overridden abstract "Do" methods and properties are called by their corresponding public counterparts and are responsible for executing the actual operation. The public method simply validates the parameters. It is the "Do" implementation that must make sure that the required conditions are met. For example, in order to call delete on an item, it must first exist. This means that your implementation of DoDelete must throw an ItemDoesNotExistException if the item does not exist.


The following example demonstrates the minimum implementation required for a class that derives from the AbstractFile class.

VB.NET Copy Code

Imports Xceed.FileSystem
Imports System.IO

Namespace Xceed.FileSystem.Samples
   Public Class CustomFile
      Inherits AbstractFile
      Protected Overrides ReadOnly Property DoSize() As Long
            Return 0
         End Get
       End Property    

      Protected Overrides Function DoOpenRead(ByVal session As FileSystemEventsSession, _
                                              ByVal share As FileShare) As Stream      
         Return Nothing
      End Function    

      Protected Overrides Function DoOpenWrite(ByVal session As FileSystemEventsSession, _
                                               ByVal overwrite As Boolean, _
                                               ByVal share As FileShare) As Stream
         Return Nothing
      End Function

      Protected Overrides Property DoName() As String
            Return Nothing
         End Get
         Set(ByVal Value As String)
         End Set   
      End Property    

      Protected Overrides ReadOnly Property DoFullName() As String
            Return Nothing
         End Get
      End Property
      Protected Overrides Property DoAttributes() As FileAttributes
            Return New FileAttributes()
         End Get
         Set(ByVal Value As FileAttributes)
         End Set
      End Property

      Protected Overrides Property DoCreationDateTime() As DateTime
            Return New System.DateTime()
         End Get
         Set(ByVal Value As DateTime)
         End Set
      End Property

      Protected Overrides Property DoLastWriteDateTime() As DateTime
            Return New System.DateTime()
         End Get
         Set(ByVal Value As DateTime)
         End Set
      End Property

      Protected Overrides Property DoLastAccessDateTime() As DateTime
            Return New System.DateTime()
         End Get
         Set(ByVal Value As DateTime)
         End Set
      End Property

      Protected Overrides ReadOnly Property DoParentFolder() As AbstractFolder
            Return Nothing
         End Get
      End Property
      Protected Overrides ReadOnly Property DoRootFolder() As AbstractFolder
            Return Nothing
         End Get
      End Property

      Protected Overrides ReadOnly Property DoExists() As Boolean
            Return True
         End Get
       End Property
      Protected Overrides Sub DoRefresh(ByVal session As FileSystemEventsSession)
      End Sub    

      Protected Overrides Sub DoCreate(ByVal session As FileSystemEventsSession)
      End Sub    

      Protected Overrides Sub DoDelete(ByVal session As FileSystemEventsSession)
      End Sub    

      Protected Overrides Function IsSameAs(ByVal target As FileSystemItem) As Boolean
         Return True
      End Function

      Protected Overrides Function IsPathRooted(ByVal path As String) As Boolean
         Return True
      End Function
   End Class
End Namespace

C# Copy Code

using System;
using System.IO;
using Xceed.FileSystem;

namespace Xceed.FileSystem.Samples
  public class CustomFile : AbstractFile
    public CustomFile()

    protected override long DoSize
      get { return 0; }

    protected override Stream DoOpenRead(FileSystemEventsSession session, FileShare share)
      return null;

    protected override Stream DoOpenWrite(FileSystemEventsSession session, bool overwrite, FileShare share)
      return null;

    protected override string DoName
      get { return null; }
      set { }

    protected override string DoFullName
      get { return null; }

    protected override FileAttributes DoAttributes
      get { return new FileAttributes(); }
      set { }

    protected override DateTime DoCreationDateTime
      get { return new DateTime(); }
      set { }

    protected override DateTime DoLastWriteDateTime
      get { return new DateTime(); }
      set { }

    protected override DateTime DoLastAccessDateTime
      get { return new DateTime(); }
      set { }

    protected override AbstractFolder DoParentFolder
      get { return null; }

    protected override AbstractFolder DoRootFolder
      get { return null; }

    protected override bool DoExists
      get { return true; }

    protected override void DoRefresh(FileSystemEventsSession session)


    protected override void DoCreate(FileSystemEventsSession session)


    protected override void DoDelete(FileSystemEventsSession session)


    protected override bool IsSameAs(FileSystemItem target)
      return true;

    protected override bool IsPathRooted(string path)
      return true;