This sample application demonstrates the basic functions of both the Dock-layout Manager and Tool Windows by allowing for their properties to be change dynamically though property grids.
This sample specifically demonstrates how to:
Create an instance of the DockLayoutManager class.
Suspend and resume the layout using the SuspendLayout and ResumeLayout methods.
Create classes that derive from the ToolWindow class.
Add tool windows to the DockLayoutManager's ToolWindows collection.
Use a tool window's DockTo method to dock tool windows to the DockHost, ClientHost, and/or other tool windows.
Use a tool window's ParentGroup's DockTo method to dock a group of tool windows to the dock-host, client-host, and/or other tool windows.
Change a tool window's state using its State property.
Prevent/allow tool windows from being docked, floating, auto hide, or hidden via the AllowDocking, AllowFloating, AllowAutoHide, and AllowHide properties.
C#: Xceed Samples\Xceed Docking Windows for WinForms v[#.#]\CSharp\Customizing\CustomizingCS.csproj
VB.NET: Xceed Samples\Xceed Docking Windows for WinForms v[#.#]\Visual Basic .NET\Customizing\CustomizingVB.vbproj