Xceed DataGrid for WPF v7.3 Documentation
View Properties
Welcome to Xceed DataGrid, Editors, and 3D Views for WPF v7.3 > Xceed DataGrid for WPF > DataGrid Fundamentals > Manipulating Data > Providing, Inserting, and Removing Data > Master/Detail > Detail Configurations > View Properties
Prerequisite Knowledge
DataGrid Fundamentals: Detail Configurations
DataGrid Fundamentals: Views and Themes

The ViewProperty attribute, which is set on various view properties, determines how or if the view property on which it is set can be accessed through a ViewBinding. If set to None or if the attribute is not set at all, the property cannot be accessed through a ViewBinding. If set to ViewOnly, the property will be accessible through a ViewBinding. Setting the ViewProperty attribute to Routed or RoutedNoFallback, allows an attached property to be accessed through a ViewBinding.

Table View and Detail Configurations (Master/Detail)

In the case of the TableView class, some of its properties are exposed as attached properties that can also be set on one or more detail configurations to determine the layout of the data items in the result details.  

Attached table-view properties whose ViewProperty attribute is set to Routed can be accessed through a ViewBinding and the binding will redirect to the appropriate detail configuration for its value (see Example 1). If a detail configuration does not explicitly define a value for the property, the view's default property value will be used. RoutedNoFallback behaves in the same manner as Routed; however if a detail configuration does not explicitly define a value for the property, the view's default property value will NOT be used.

Table 1: TableView properties accessible through a ViewBinding

Property Mode
ColumnStretchMinWidth Property Routed
ColumnStretchMode Property Routed
RemoveColumnStretchingOnResize Property Routed
FixedColumnCount Property RoutedNoFallback
FixedColumnSplitterWidth Property Routed
FixedColumnDropMarkPen Property Routed
ShowFixedColumnSplitter Property Routed
HorizontalGridLineBrush Property Routed
HorizontalGridLineThickness Property Routed
VerticalGridLineBrush Property Routed
VerticalGridLineThickness Property Routed
RowSelectorPaneWidth Property ViewOnly
ShowRowSelectorPane Property ViewOnly
GroupLevelIndicatorWidth Property Routed
DetailIndicatorWidth Property Routed
ColumnVirtualizationMode Property Routed
IsAlternatingRowStyleEnabled Property Routed
ClearFilterButtonGlyph Property ViewOnly
DefaultDropMarkPen Property ViewOnly
DefaultDropMarkOrienation Property ViewOnly
CurrentItemGlyph Property ViewOnly
EditingRowGlyph Property ViewOnly
ValidationErrorGlyph Property ViewOnly
InsertionRowGlyph Property ViewOnly
ScrollTipContentTemplate Property ViewOnly
ScrollTipContentTemplateSelector Property ViewOnly
AllowColumnChooser Property Routed
ColumnChooserSortOrder Property Routed
FilterRowGlyph Property ViewOnly
AscendingSortGlyph Property ViewOnly
AutoFilterGlyph Property ViewOnly
DescendingSortGlyph Property ViewOnly
ExpandGroupGlyph Property ViewOnly
CollapseGroupGlyph Property ViewOnly
ConnectionStateCommittingGlyph Property ViewOnly
ConnectionStateErrorGlyph Property ViewOnly
ConnectionStateLoadingGlyph Property ViewOnly
ClearSearchButtonGlyph Property ViewOnly
CloseSearchButtonGlyph Property ViewOnly
IsSearchingPresenterGlyph Property ViewOnly
IsPreviousSearchEndedPresenterGlyph Property ViewOnly
IsNextSearchEndedPresenterGlyph Property ViewOnly
PreviousSearchButtonGlyph Property ViewOnly
NextSearchButtonGlyph Property ViewOnly


All examples in this topic assume that the grid is bound to the Employees table of the Northwind database, unless stated otherwise.

Example 1: Using routed view properties

The following example demonstrates how to set routed view properties on detail configurations to change the width of their detail indicators as well as to fix columns and remove the fixed-column splitter.

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<Grid xmlns:xcdg="http://schemas.xceed.com/wpf/xaml/datagrid"
     <xcdg:DataGridCollectionViewSource x:Key="cvs_employees"
                                        Source="{Binding Source={x:Static Application.Current},
                                                    Path=Employees}" />
  <xcdg:DataGridControl x:Name="EmployeesGrid"
                      ItemsSource="{Binding Source={StaticResource cvs_employees}}"
        <xcdg:Column FieldName="Photo"
                     Visible="False" />
        <xcdg:DetailConfiguration RelationName="Employee_Orders"
                                  Title="Employee Orders"
              <xcdg:Column FieldName="EmployeeID"
                           Visible="False" />
              <xcdg:DetailConfiguration RelationName="Order_OrderDetails"
                                        Title="Order Details"
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dataGridControl.AutoCreateDetailConfigurations = True
dataGridControl.Columns( "Photo" ).Visible = False
Dim detailConfiguration As New DetailConfiguration()
detailConfiguration.RelationName = "Employee_Orders"
detailConfiguration.Title = "Employee Orders"
detailConfiguration.Columns( "EmployeeID" ).Visible = False
detailConfiguration.SetValue( TableView.DetailIndicatorWidthProperty, 50 )
detailConfiguration.SetValue( TableView.FixedColumnCountProperty, 2 )
Dim childDetailConfiguration As New DetailConfiguration()
childDetailConfiguration.RelationName = "Order_OrderDetails"
childDetailConfiguration.Title = "Order Details"
childDetailConfiguration.SetValue( TableView.ShowFixedColumnSplitterProperty, false )
childDetailConfiguration.SetValue( TableView.DetailIndicatorWidthProperty, 50 )
detailConfiguration.DetailConfigurations.Add( childDetailConfiguration )
dataGridControl.DetailConfigurations.Add( detailConfiguration )
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dataGridControl.AutoCreateDetailConfigurations = true;
dataGridControl.Columns[ "Photo" ].Visible = false;
DetailConfiguration detailConfiguration = new DetailConfiguration();
detailConfiguration.RelationName = "Employee_Orders";
detailConfiguration.Title = "Employee Orders";
detailConfiguration.Columns[ "EmployeeID" ].Visible = false;
detailConfiguration.SetValue( TableView.DetailIndicatorWidthProperty, 50 );
detailConfiguration.SetValue( TableView.FixedColumnCountProperty, 2 );
DetailConfiguration childDetailConfiguration = new DetailConfiguration();
childDetailConfiguration.RelationName = "Order_OrderDetails";
childDetailConfiguration.Title = "Order Details";
childDetailConfiguration.SetValue( TableView.ShowFixedColumnSplitterProperty, false );
childDetailConfiguration.SetValue( TableView.DetailIndicatorWidthProperty, 50 );
detailConfiguration.DetailConfigurations.Add( childDetailConfiguration );
dataGridControl.DetailConfigurations.Add( detailConfiguration );