Xceed Chart for WinForms v4.4 Documentation
Xceed.Chart.Core Namespace
Inheritance Hierarchy
Xceed.Chart.Core.v4.4 Assembly : Xceed.Chart.Core Namespace
This namespace contains the basic charting functionality used by the WinForms and WebForms version of the control.
ClassControls the fill effects and line properties applied on the data points displayed by the associated series.
ClassDisplays an area series.
ClassThe Axis class is the base class of all axes displayed by the Xceed Chart for WinForms component.
ClassRepresents a collection of Axis objects.
ClassRepresents a constant line.
ClassRepresents a collection of AxisConstLine objects.
ClassEach custom label displayed by the chart axes is represented with an instance of this object.
ClassEach axis has an instance of this object, which holds the labels displayed on the axis.
ClassConrtols the ruler of the associated axis.
ClassBase class for all axis scale classes.
ClassRepresents a date time scale.
ClassRepresents a Dimension scale.
ClassRepresents a logarithmic scale.
ClassRepresents a numeric scale.
ClassBase class of all value scale classes.
ClassEach axis stripe displayed by the chart axes is represented by an instance of this class.
ClassRepresents a collection of AxisStripe objects.
ClassThis member is reserved for internal use and is not intended to be used directly from your code.
ClassRepresents a bar series.
ClassRepresents a bubble series.
ClassThe Chart object is the primary object controlling a chart displayed in the Xceed Chart for WinForms component canvas.
ClassRepresents a collection of Chart objects.
ClassBase class of winforms and webforms chart controls.
ClassThis member is reserved for internal use and is not intended to be used directly from your code.
ClassThis member is reserved for internal use and is not intended to be used directly from your code.
ClassSummary description for ChartMouseTool.
ClassEach of the five standard chart walls is represented by an instance of this class.
ClassRepresents a collection of chart walls.
ClassControls the database integration of the chart control.
ClassThe DataCursorTool controls the data cursor feature of the control in WinForms.
ClassThis member is reserved for internal use and is not intended to be used directly from your code.
ClassControls the appearance of the data point labels.
ClassThis member is reserved for internal use and is not intended to be used directly from your code.
ClassRepresents a named and typed set of values used by the Xceed Chart for WinForms Series.
ClassRepresents a logically bound set of data series.
ClassA grid which can be used for the visual editing of the series data series
ClassRepresents a set of indexes in a data series.
ClassEnumerator returned by the GetEnumerator() method of the DataSeriesSubset class.
ClassThe DataZoomTool controls the data zooming feature of the control in WinForms.
ClassControls the way in which the component treats empty data points
ClassControls the appearance of the empty data points. An instance of this class is attached to every series.
ClassRepresents a floating bar series.
ClassThis member is reserved for internal use and is not intended to be used directly from your code.
ClassEach GridSurfaceSeries instance has an associated GridSurfaceData object which represents the data storage for the surface series. The data storage is two-dimensional and contains only elevation data.
ClassRepresents a grid surface series.
ClassDisplays a high low series.
ClassContains information about the chart element at given window coordinates.
ClassThis object provides the functionality related to export images generated by Xceed Chart for WinForms.
ClassThis collection holds the interactivity operations, which can be applied to the chart control.
ClassThe Legend class represents the integrated legend of Xceed Chart for WinForms.
ClassThis collection contains the legends displayed by Xceed Chart for WinForms.
ClassBase class for the legend components - data items, header and footer.
ClassContains the data items displayed by the legend.
ClassRepresents a legend data item by exposing the properties related to the item text, mark and line.
ClassSummary description for LegendDataItemCollection.
ClassReprsents a legend header or footer.
ClassRepresents a line series.
ClassControls the appearance of the markers displayed for each data point by the associated series.
ClassEach MeshSurfaceData instance has an associated MeshSurfaceData object which represents the data storage for the surface series. The data storage is two-dimensional and contains elevation, x-position and z-position data for each data point.
ClassRepresents a mesh surface series.
ClassThis object represents a custom palette, which assigns colors to values. It is used in variety of places where elevation information needs to be represented by colors.
ClassRepresents a pie series.
ClassRepresents a points series.
ClassRepresents a polar axis
ClassRepresents a polar series.
ClassThis member is reserved for internal use and is not intended to be used directly from your code.
ClassRepresents a radar axis
ClassRepresents a radar series.
ClassThis member is reserved for internal use and is not intended to be used directly from your code.
ClassSummary description for SelectDataAdapterForm.
ClassSeries is the base class of all series with one dimensional value arrays.
ClassSeriesBase is the base class of all series.
ClassRepresents a collection of SeriesBase objects.
ClassControls the interactivity features of the series with which the instance of this class is associated.
ClassControls the representation of the associated series in the chart legend.
ClassControls settings related to the chart rendering and scaling like antialiasing, jittering and 2D object scaling.
ClassRepresents a shape series.
ClassRepresents a stock series.
ClassAbstract base class for the GridSurfaceSeries and MeshSurfaceSeries. This class contains common functionality for the surface series like surface palette management, control of the surface filling style, frame style and appearance, flat surface mode etc.
ClassControls the interactivity features of a surface series.
ClassRepresents a vertical axis
ClassThis member is reserved for internal use and is not intended to be used directly from your code.
ClassXYScatterSeries is the base class of all series which support custom X positioning of their data points.
EnumerationDefines the possible series appearance filling modes.
EnumerationDefines the possible series appearance border modes.
EnumerationDefines the orientation of the axis.
EnumerationDefines the possible predefined axis positions. Each entry in the enumeration represents a corner of the chart area cube.
EnumerationDefines the possible axis scale modes. This custom type is accepted by the ScaleMode property of the Axis object and determines the scaling mode of the Axis object.
EnumerationDefines the shape of the chart axes.
EnumerationDefines the possible bar styles. This custom type is used in series, which display bars and is used to specify different styles for the bars.
EnumerationDefines the style of the candle. This custom type is accepted by the CandleStyle property of the StockSeries object.
EnumerationThis custom type defines the chart walls. It is passed as a parameter to the Walls method of the Chart object and determines the wall to which you want to gain access.
EnumerationSpecifies the type of comparison to be used when filtering data using one of the Filter methods which has a CompareMethod argument.
EnumerationDefines the style of an axis const line. This custom type is accepted by the Style property of the AxisConstLine object.
EnumerationDefines the possible modes for the series data labels.
EnumerationA bitmask enumeration used in the included and exluded arguments of the GetDataSeries method. The order of the included series cannot be changed and is described in the respective GetDataSeries override.
EnumerationDefines the possible ways in which a data series can be sorted
EnumerationDefines the type of data contained in the DataSeries objects.
EnumerationDefines the tree dimensions in a cartesian coordinate system.
EnumerationDefines the appearance of the data point
EnumerationDefines the possible ways in which empty data points values are treated
EnumerationDefines the legend expand strategies, or in other words in which dimension will the legend grow when new items are added to the legend data item collection.
EnumerationDefines the possible legend mark shapes. This custom type is accepted by the MarkShape property of the LegendData object and is used to specify the shape of the legend mark. When the legend is operating in lmAutomatic mode the component automatically determines the appropriate legend mark shapes.
EnumerationThis custom type is accepted by the LegendMode property and controls the mode of the Xceed Chart for WinForms integrated legend. When the LegendMode property is set to Disabled the legend is not shown. In Automatic mode the legend displays the presentation groups of the component. In Manual mode the user is able to fill the legend with custom data. See the Configuring the Legend topic for more information.
EnumerationDefines several levels of detail for complex primitives like spheres.
EnumerationDefines the line series style.
EnumerationDefines the possible step modes for the major ticks of the date time scale.
EnumerationDefines the possible step modes for the major ticks of the logarithmic scale.
EnumerationDefines the possible step modes of the numeric axis scale.
EnumerationDefines the measurement units used by the component
EnumerationDefines the possible area modes when several area series are displayed simultaneously.
EnumerationDefines the possible bar modes when several bar series are displayed simultaneously.
EnumerationDefines the possible lines modes when several line series are displayed simultaneously.
EnumerationDefines the possible pie label modes.
EnumerationThis custom type is used by the PieStyle property of the PieSeries object and determine the style of the of the pie segments.
EnumerationDefines the possible marker styles.
Enumerationdetermines the possible polar series styles
EnumerationDefines the possible predefined chart styles. The chart style defines various aspects of the chart, which are dependant from the chart orientation represented by this enumeration.
EnumerationDefines the possible predefined legend styles.
EnumerationDefines the possible predefined text layouts of the chart axes.
Enumerationdetermines the possible radar series styles
EnumerationDefines the current page modes supported by the axis rulers.
EnumerationDefines the paging mode of the axes.
EnumerationDefines the possible series cursor modes.
EnumerationDefines the possible custom script modes for mouse move and mouse click scripts.
EnumerationDefines the modes in which the series fills the legend. This custom type is used by the LegendMode property of the SeriesBase objects.
EnumerationDefines the possible series OpenInNewWindow modes.
EnumerationDefines the possible series tooltip modes.
EnumerationDefines the currently supported charting types. This custom type is passed as a parameter to the Add method of the SeriesCollection object and determines the type of the newly created presentation group.
EnumerationDefines the possible series URL modes.
EnumerationDefines the axes of the Xceed Chart for WinForms component. This custom type is accepted by the Axes method of the Chart object which gives you access to the desired chart axis.
EnumerationDifferent filling styles of a surface series.
EnumerationDifferent frame styles of a surface series.
EnumerationDefines several modes for vertical positioning of a flat surface
See Also


Xceed.Chart.Core.v4.4 Assembly