Name | Description | |
Angles | Gives you access to the data series holding the polar angles | |
Appearance | Gives you access to the Appearance object (Inherited from Xceed.Chart.Core.Series) | |
CloseContour | Instructs the polar series to connect the first and last polar points. | |
CumulativeValueFormat | Gives you access to the ValueFormatting object controlling the formatting of the cumulative values. (Inherited from Xceed.Chart.Core.Series) | |
DataLabels | Gives you access to the DataLabels object controlling the appearance of the data point labels. (Inherited from Xceed.Chart.Core.Series) | |
EmptyDataPointsAppearance | Gives you access to an instance of the EmptyDataPointsAppearance class controlling the appearance of the empty data points displayed by the series (Inherited from Xceed.Chart.Core.SeriesBase) | |
IndexValueFormatting | Gives you access to the ValueFormatting object controlling the formatting of the index data labels. (Inherited from Xceed.Chart.Core.Series) | |
InflateMargins | Inflates the margins of the series to fit the chart area. (Inherited from Xceed.Chart.Core.SeriesBase) | |
Interactivity | Gives you access to the SeriesInteractivity object controlling the interactivity features of the data points. (Inherited from Xceed.Chart.Core.Series) | |
Labels | Gives you access to the labels data series. (Inherited from Xceed.Chart.Core.Series) | |
Legend | Gives you access to an instance of the SeriesLegend class controlling the representation of the series in the legend. (Inherited from Xceed.Chart.Core.SeriesBase) | |
Markers | Gives you access to the Markers object controlling the appearance of the data point markers. (Inherited from Xceed.Chart.Core.Series) | |
Name | The name of the series. (Inherited from Xceed.Chart.Core.SeriesBase) | |
PercentValueFormatting | Gives you access to the ValueFormatting object controlling the formatting of the percent values. (Inherited from Xceed.Chart.Core.Series) | |
PolarBorder | Gives you access to the LineProperties applied on the polar line | |
PolarFillEffect | Gives you access to the FillEffect controlling the filling of the polar area | |
Shadow | Gives access to the Shadow object controlling the shadow of the series. Shadows are visible when the scene is rendered with GDI+. (Inherited from Xceed.Chart.Core.SeriesBase) | |
Style | Controls the polar style | |
TotalValueFormatting | Gives you access to the ValueFormatting object controlling the formatting of the total formatting command. (Inherited from Xceed.Chart.Core.Series) | |
Values | Gives you access to the Values data series. (Inherited from Xceed.Chart.Core.Series) | |
Visible | Controls the visibility of the series. (Inherited from Xceed.Chart.Core.SeriesBase) |