Xceed Chart for WinForms v4.4 Documentation
Chart Class Members
Fields  Properties  Methods  Events

Xceed.Chart.Core.v4.4 Assembly > Xceed.Chart.Core Namespace : Chart Class

The following tables list the members exposed by Chart.

Protected Fields
Protected FieldThis member is reserved for internal use and is not intended to be used directly from your code.  
Public Properties
Public PropertyGives you access to the collection of chart axes.  
Public PropertyGets or sets the index of data source containted in the DataBindingManager in the chart control.  
Public PropertyControls the chart area depth in model units.  
Public PropertySpecifies the index of the legend on which the chart information is displayed.  
Public PropertyControls the chart area height in model units.  
Public PropertyGives you access to the LightModel controlling the chart scene lighting.  
Public PropertyDefines the strategy used to fit the chart into the chart area (margins).  
Public PropertyControls the margin rectangle of the chart.  
Public PropertyControls the name of the chart.  
Public PropertyControls the predefined chart style.  
Public PropertyGives you access to the Series of the Chart object.  
Public PropertyGives you access to the View controlling the view on the scene.  
Public PropertyControls the visibility of the chart.  
Public PropertyGives you access to the collection of chart walls.  
Public PropertyControls the width of the chart in model units.  
Public Methods
Public MethodOverloaded. Gives you access to a standard chart axis.  
Public MethodCreates an identical copy of this chart object  
Public MethodConverts a point in control client coordinates to chart model coordinates  
Public MethodConverts a model point in the chart model space to the control client viewport point.  
Public MethodConverts a model point in the chart model space to a view point in the chart viewport.  
Public MethodMaps a client point to a model plane specified by two axes and an origin point.  
Public MethodShows the chart axes editor  
Public MethodShows the chart series edtior  
Public MethodShows the chart walls editor  
Public MethodGives you access to the five chart walls of the component.  
Protected Methods
Protected MethodThis member is reserved for internal use and is not intended to be used directly from your code.  
Protected MethodThis member is reserved for internal use and is not intended to be used directly from your code.  
Public Events
Public EventFired after the chart is painted  
Public EventFired before the chart is painted  
See Also


Chart Class
Xceed.Chart.Core Namespace