Xceed Zip Compression Library Documentation
ZippingMemoryFile event
Xceed Zip control reference > Xceed Zip control events > ZippingMemoryFile event


The ZippingMemoryFile event is triggered so that you can provide the data of a file that is being zipped from memory. The ZippingMemoryFile event is triggered at least once for each file that you have specified with the QueryMemoryFile event.

Event ZippingMemoryFile(lUserTag As Long, sFilename As String, vaDataToCompress As Variant, bEndOfData As Boolean)
Declaration (DLL API)  
xcdZippingMemoryFileParams * pParams = ( xcdZippingMemoryFileParams * ) lParam;


Parameter Modifiable Description
lUserTag  NO This is the value of the lUserTag parameter you specified when the QueryMemoryFile event was triggered.
sFilename  NO This is the value of the sFilename parameter you specified when the QueryMemoryFile event was triggered.
vaDataToCompress YES This is where you provide the data to zip up.
bEndOfData YES Set this to True if the entire data to compress is provided to the vaDataToCompress parameter. When dealing with streaming data , or if you aren't able to provide the entire data for the current file being zipped up from memory, set this parameter to False. This will cause the ZippingMemoryFile event to be triggered again (with the same lUserTag and sFilename parameters) so that you can provide more data. Set bEndOfData to True when you have finished providing data to zip up from memory for the current file.

Applicable methods
