Xceed Zip Compression Library Documentation
ZipContentsStatus event
Xceed Zip control reference > Xceed Zip control events > ZipContentsStatus event


The ZipContentsStatus event provides a status report when a zip file's contents are being scanned.

When a call is made to the Zip method to update or add files to an existing zip file, or when a call is made to the Convert method, the library must scan the existing zip file's central directory. This operation, although not processor or drive intensive, can still be lengthy when the zip file contains five to ten thousand files or more – especially if the zip file is located on a floppy disk or other slow drive or network connection. Therefore, the ZipContentsStatus event is useful in order to provide a progress or "working" indicator for this phase of the zipping and unzipping.

If you aren't adding to, updating or converting an already existing (very large) zip file, then providing a progress report with the GlobalStatus event is definitely sufficient.

None of the parameters are modifiable.

Event ZipContentsStatus(lFilesRead As Long, lFilesTotal As Long, nFilesPercent As Integer)
Declaration (DLL API)  
xcdZipContentsStatusParams * pParams = ( xcdZipContentsStatusParams * ) lParam;


Parameter Description
lFilesRead  The current number of files.
lFilesTotal  Indicates the total number of files in the zip file that need to be scanned.
nFilesPercent  The completion percentage (0% to 100%) based on how many files have been scanned so far.


For zip files with 100 or more files in them, this event is triggered up to a maximum of 101 times (this reduces this event's overhead to negligible levels). In fact, it is triggered once for each possible value of the nFilesPercent parameter (from 0% to 100%). If the zip file has less than 100 files, it will be triggered once for each file in the zip file.

Applicable methods

Zip, ListZipContents, GetZipContents