Xceed Zip Compression Library Documentation
XzSetXceedZipCallback function
Direct DLL API > DLL API function reference > XzSetXceedZipCallback function


Sets the callback function that will handle an XceedZip instance's triggered events. In order to use this event notification technique, you must implement the callback function.

void XzSetXceedZipCallback( HXCEEDZIP hZip, LPFNXCEEDZIP lpfnCallback )


Parameter Description
hZip  Handle to the instance you want to receive events from.
lpfnCallback  Pointer to your callback function that will handle events. See the remarks below for a declaration of this callback.


Your callback function must be declared as follows:

void CALLBACK YourXceedZipEventProc( WPARAM wXceedMessage, LPARAM lParam )

The wXceedMessage parameter will contain the Xceed Zip event index, and lParam a pointer to an event parameter structure. In your callback function, you must typecast the lParam parameter to the correct structure, depending on the value of wXceedMessage.