Xceed Zip Compression Library Documentation
UnzippingMemoryFile event
Xceed Zip control reference > Xceed Zip control events > UnzippingMemoryFile event


The UnzippingMemoryFile event is triggered to provide you with the data of a file that is being unzipped to memory. The UnzippingMemoryFile event is only triggered if you have specified xudMemory or xudMemoryStream for the xDestination parameter in the UnzipPreprocessingFile event.

The parameters provided by the UnzippingMemoryFile event are not modifiable.

Event UnzippingMemoryFile(sFilename As String, vaUncompressedData As Variant, bEndOfData As Boolean)
Declaration (DLL API)  
xcdUnzippingMemoryFileParams * pParams = ( xcdUnzippingMemoryFileParams * ) lParam;


Parameter Description
sFilename  This is the filename for the file whose data is currently being provided to you.
vaUncompressedData  This is the data of the file.
bEndOfData  When this flag is False, it indicates to you that there is still more data to be provided for the current file. In this case, the UnzippingMemoryFile event will be triggered again (with the same sFilename parameter) so you can get more data. When this flag is True, there is no more data to provide for the current file. This flag is always True for files that had the UnzipPreprocessingFile event's xUnzippingDestination parameter set to xudMemory.

Applicable methods
