Xceed Zip Compression Library Documentation
Unzip method example for VC++
Example topics > Unzip method example for VC++

ExThe following code uses the Unzip method to unzip all the files from the zip file "c:\test\my test.zip" into the directory "c:\test\unzipped files". If the directory does not already exist, it will be created automatically. You should check the Unzip method's return value once you are done – if it is xerSuccess (value 0) the operation was successful. Otherwise, look up the error code in the error codes list to find out what went wrong.

VC++ Copy Code

#include "stdafx.h"
#include <stdio.h>
#import "xceedzip.dll" named_guids no_namespace 

int main(int argc, char* argv[])
   CoInitialize( NULL );  

      IXceedZipPtr piXceedZip( CLSID_XceedZip );  
      piXceedZip->License( _bstr_t( L"your license key ) ); 

      long xErr;   

      piXceedZip->ZipFilename = "c:\\test\\my test.zip"; 
      piXceedZip->UnzipToFolder = "c:\\test\\unzipped files";  

      xErr = piXceedZip->Unzip();  

      if ( xErr == 0 ) // xerSuccess 
         printf( "All files unzipped successfully" ); 
         printf( "Error %08x occured while unzipping the files\n", xErr ); 
   catch( const _com_error& xErr ) 
      printf( "COM error %08x. %S\n", xErr.Error(), ( const char* )xErr.Description() ); 
   catch( ... ) 
      printf( "Unexpected error\n" ); 

   return 0; 