Xceed Zip Compression Library Documentation
SkipIfExisting property
Xceed Zip control reference > Xceed Zip control properties > SkipIfExisting property


The SkipIfExisting property allows you to process only files that do not already exist in the destination unzipping folder or, when zipping, the destination zip file.

When using the Zip method, setting SkipIfExisting to True will cause files that already exist in the destination zip file to be skipped (excluded from processing), thus leaving the already existing file(s) intact.

The same idea applies when using the Unzip method: setting SkipIfExisting to True will cause files that already exist in the destination unzipping folder to be skipped.

Files that have been excluded because of the SkipIfExisting property will be tagged as "excluded" when the ZipPreprocessingFile or UnzipPreprocessingFile event is triggered, and will not be processed unless you change the value of the excluded parameter to False.

Data type


Default value


Declaration (DLL API)  

BOOL XzGetSkipIfExisting( HXCEEDZIP hZip )

void XzSetSkipIfExisting( HXCEEDZIP hZip, BOOL bValue )


Folder entries are not affected by this property.

Applicable methods

Zip, Unzip

Related topics

See the SkipIfNotExisting, SkipIfOlderDate and SkipIfOlderVersion properties for variations on this theme.