Xceed Zip Compression Library Documentation
SfxStrings property
Self-Extractor Module reference > Self-Extractor Module properties > SfxStrings property


The SfxStrings property contains label captions and other miscellaneous text that are found inside the various dialog boxes displayed by the self-extractor. The values in this property are consulted by Xceed Zip when you are building a self-extracting Zip file.

As an indexed string property, each entry in the array is the text of a different label.

The maximum length string allowed for each entry in this property is 255 characters, except for the xssTitle (index 2) entry, which can only be 100 characters long.

Data type


Property array indexes

Value Meaning
xssProgressBar  This is the string used to explain the purpose of the progress gauge that shows the overall progress of the unzip operation.
The default value is "Overall progress:"
xssTitle  This is string that appears in the title bar of every message box and dialog box displayed by the Xceed Zip self-extractor.
The default value is "The Xceed Zip Self-Extractor"
xssCurrentFolder  This is the string that is used in the folder browser to indicate the user-selected folder where the files will be unzipped to.
The default value is "Current destination folder:"
xssShareName  This is the string used to display the available connected drives in the folder browser's drive list.
The following macros are available when specifying a value for DriveShareStr:
%s = Share name
%c = Computer name where share is located
The default value is "%s on '%c'"
xssNetwork  This is the string used to represent the entry in the folder browser's drive list that represents the entire network.
The default value is "Entire Network"

Default value

The default value for each string is listed in the above table.

Declaration (DLL API)  

UINT XzGetSfxStrings(HXCEEDZIP hZip, xcdSfxStrings xIndex, TCHAR* pszBuffer, UINT uMaxLength)

void XzSetSfxStrings(HXCEEDZIP hZip, xcdSfxStrings xIndex, const TCHAR* pszValue)



Applicable methods

Zip, Convert

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