Xceed Zip Compression Library Documentation
SfxButtons property
Self-Extractor Module reference > Self-Extractor Module properties > SfxButtons property


The SfxButtons property contains the captions for all the buttons that are shown by self-extracting zip files created with the Xceed Zip Self-Extractor Module. Button captions can contain the & character, which becomes invisible and causes the following character to be underlined and considered a windows keyboard shortcut character to the button (also known as a keyboard accelerator).

As an indexed string property, each entry in the array is a caption for a different button.

The maximum length string allowed for each entry is 30 characters.

Data type


Property array indexes

Value Meaning
xsbOK  This is the caption for the OK buttons. The default value is "&OK".
xsbCancel  This is the caption for the Cancel button, which is displayed in the folder browser, and can only be changed in the 16-bit self-extractor. The 32-bit self-extractor uses the system's browser and cannot be customized by Xceed Zip. The default value is "&Cancel".
xsbAbort  This is the caption for the Abort button that is displayed on the Progress dialog during extraction. The button allows the user to stop the self-extracting process. The default value is "&Abort".
xsbSkip  This is the caption for the button that provides the option to skip a file. The button is available whenever the Password Prompt dialog is displayed. The default value is "&Skip File".
xsbAlwaysSkip  This is the caption for the button that provides the option to always skip files that cannot be decrypted, without any further prompting with the password dialog. The button is available in the password dialog. The default value is "&Always Skip".
xsbYes  This is the caption for Yes buttons. The default value is "&Yes".
xsbNo  This is the caption for No buttons. The default value is "&No".
xsbOverwriteAll  This is the caption for the button that provides the option to always overwrite files that already exist, without any further prompting with the Overwrite dialog. The button is available in the Overwrite dialog. The default value is "&All".
xsbOverwriteNone  This is the caption for the button that provides the option to never overwrite files that already exist, without any further prompting with the Overwrite dialog. The button is available in the Overwrite dialog. The default value is "N&one".
xsbContinue  This is the caption for the button that is displayed in the introduction message box, and provides the option to continue, as opposed to exiting if the user clicks on the exit button. The default value is "&Continue".
xsbExit  This is the caption for the button that is displayed in the introduction message box and the Select Unzipping Folder dialog. It provides the option to exit the self-extractor without extracting any files. The default value is "&Exit".
xsbAgree  This is the caption for the Agree button that is displayed in the License agreement dialog box. This button usually indicates that the user accepts the terms of the license agreement and can proceed with the self-extraction process. The default value is "&Agree".
xsbRefuse  This is the caption for the Refuse button that is displayed in the License agreement dialog box. This button usually indicates that the user does not accept the terms of the license agreement and can not proceed with the self-extraction process. The default value is "&Refuse".

Default values

The default value for each button is listed in the above table.

Declaration (DLL API)  

UINT XzGetSfxButtons(HXCEEDZIP hZip, xcdSfxButtons xIndex, TCHAR* pszBuffer, UINT uMaxLength)

void XzSetSfxButtons(HXCEEDZIP hZip, xcdSfxButtons xIndex, const TCHAR* pszValue)




The values in this property are consulted right before a call to the Zip method (when creating a self-extracting zip file) and the Convert method.

Applicable methods

Zip, Convert

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