Xceed Zip Compression Library Documentation
SfxAddExecuteAfter method
Self-Extractor Module reference > Self-Extractor Module methods > SfxAddExecuteAfter method


The SfxAddExecuteAfter method adds an item to the SfxExecuteAfter property's list of programs to run after files have been extracted.

SfxAddExecuteAfter automatically creates a string of the appropriate format for the SfxExecuteAfter property and handles separating items with the CR+LF characters. In fact, it performs the same work as the following line of VB code:

XceedZip1.SfxExecuteAfter = XceedZip1.SfxExecuteAfter + sApplication + "|" + sParameters + Chr(13) + Chr(10)

Declaration (ActiveX)  
Method SfxAddExecuteAfter(sApplication As String, sParameters As String);
Declaration (DLL API)  
void XzSfxAddExecuteAfter( HXCEEDZIP hZip, const TCHAR* pwszApplication, const TCHAR* pwszParameters);


Parameter Description
sApplication  The path and filename of an executable to run.
sParameters  Command line parameters for the executable. Leave empty if no command line parameters are desired.

Return values


Applicable properties
