Xceed Zip Compression Library Documentation
MaxDateToProcess property
Xceed Zip control reference > Xceed Zip control properties > MaxDateToProcess property


The MaxDateToProcess property is a filtering property that lets you limit the processing of files to only those files that have a date and time stamp smaller than or equal to a specified date and time. This property affects the list of files specified in the FilesToProcess property.

Files that have a date and time larger than the date and time specified in the MaxDateToProcess property will be tagged as "excluded" when the ZipPreprocessingFile or UnzipPreprocessingFile event occurs, and will not be processed unless you change the value of the excluded parameter to False.

This property can be used in conjunction with other filtering properties. In particular, it can be used in conjunction with the MinDateToProcess property in order to provide a range of date and time stamps that should be processed.

Data type


Possible values

Dates can range from 01/01/1900 to 31/12/9999

Default value

31/12/9999 (All files qualify for processing)

Declaration (DLL API)  

void XzGetMaxDateToProcess( HXCEEDZIP hZip, LPSYSTEMTIME lpdtBuffer )

void XzSetMaxDateToProcess( HXCEEDZIP hZip, const LPSYSTEMTIME lpdtValue )

Applicable methods

Zip, Unzip, ListZipContents, PreviewFiles, RemoveFiles

Related topics

The SkipIfOlderDate property lets you skip files about to be zipped that are older than the files already in the zip file, or skip files about to be unzipped that are older than the files already existing in the unzipping location.