Xceed Zip Compression Library Documentation
Getting Started Sample App for Visual C++ MFC
Sample applications > Visual C++ > Getting Started Sample App for Visual C++ MFC

Getting Started Sample Application for Visual C++ MFC

The Getting Started Sample Application for Visual C++ MFC can be found in:


This sample contains a few fields and buttons that let you set some Xceed Zip properties and run the Zip, Unzip, TestZipFile, ListZipContents and PreviewFiles methods.

The sample was created using the Visual C++ 4.0 MFC ClassWizard. To add the Xceed Zip 6.0 ActiveX control to this application, drop it on the dialog box by using the "Insert OLE Control" option available in the pop-up menu when you right-click on your form.

We then used the ClassWizard to associate a member variable in the dialog box class to the freshly dropped Xceed Zip Control. To complete this operation, the ClassWizard automatically created a wrapper class around the ActiveX control.

Once the wrapper class has been created, accessing the member variable is as easy as using Xceed Zip in Visual Basic. The ClassWizard is also very helpful for handling Xceed Zip events.

To use the sample, load the STARTED.MAK project file, then build and run it.