Xceed Zip Compression Library Documentation
FilesToProcess property migration
Migrating from previous versions > FilesToProcess property migration

The most notable change when migrating your code to Xceed Zip v4.x concerns the FilesToProcess property. The following sections describe the changes to the FilesToProcess property that you must be aware of.


Wildcards specified in Xceed Zip v3.5's FilesToProcess property were used in order to determine which subfolders should be scanned when the Recurse property is set to True. For Xceed Zip version 4.x, wildcards are no longer used to determine which subfolders are scanned. You will also see later that the Recurse property has been renamed to ProcessSubfolders for Xceed Zip v4.x.

The new behavior for the FilesToProcess property has eliminated the need for the "Include only" character (>) that was often required when specifying wildcards to the FilesToProcess property. The new behavior is also more intuitive.

Example:with Xceed Zip v3.5 and before, if you wanted to zip all the .TXT files in the C:\DATA and all its subfolders, you had to use the following code:

XceedZip1.Recurse = True

XceedZip1.FilesToProcess = "C:\DATA\*" + vbCR + ">*.TXT"

This was necessary because if you only specified "C:\DATA\*.TXT", Xceed Zip v3.5 would not scan subfolders because none of them would match "*.TXT". So, you had to specify that you wanted ALL files in C:\DATA, and that among those files, include only those that end with .TXT. With Xceed Zip v5.0, to accomplish the same task, use the following code:

XceedZip1.ProcessSubfolders = True

XceedZip1.FilesToProcess = "C:\DATA\*.TXT"

Excluded files

The FilesToProcess property no longer supports the "Exclude files" character (<) that could be specified in front of filenames specified to this property. You must use the FilesToExclude property now.